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"Come on Kills! We are going to miss it!!" says Zie noticing how long I'm taking to find my passport.

"Zie it's still literally 20 minutes until our flight leaves, we are not going to miss it! Just relax...geez and I though I was the nervous one" I know 20 minutes is not much, but I just have to find the passport, give it to the nice lady and then go to the airplane. "Got it!" I shoot when I FINALLY find it.

"It's about time." She says and I just ignore it cause I'm too concentrated in understanding what the lady says in front of me. She eventually stops talking and wish's us a good flight. Oh don't worry nice lady...it will definitely be some damm good travel.

"Who in their perfect mind would put the passport, the most important thing in an airport, in the bottom of the bag?" At her words I just throw her the tongue and she starts laughing "Oh yes, that's right... you!" She laughs even more and I kinda go with it.

"Well, it's not like I was the one who only did the bags this morning" I say knowing perfectly well what she was going to say

"Well.... it's not like I was the one who made them TWO WEEKS AGO" knew it

Before I even have the chance to respond, we arrive the airplane.

"Good evening lady's, welcome to your flight, your sits are written in this receipt and besides that, you just have to follow the rules that are going to be indicated." We nodded in afirmation and he gives us with a nice and polite smile "a good travel for both" we muttered a little "thank you" and went the way he said.

"So, Kills I'm going to sleep a bit, if you need anything just wake me okay?"

"Yes sir!" I say and she just laughs and turns to the other way

We booked our plain to the night time so we could sleep and enjoy the other whole day.

You must be thinking, what is happening? Well, I'm sorry that I didn't explained it but as you can see, I have been busy.

My name is Kelly and this girl in my right side is Mackenzie. We have known each other for ages and we've been best friends since the first time we saw James in 3rd grade pee him self in the middle of a class and laughed...together.

Right now we are both 18 and taking a break before college. Neither of us knows what is their "place" in the grown up world, so we are doing what every teenager dreams of doing...moving to LA completely alone to have fun!

At some point of the night I felt asleep and woke up with Zie calling, basically shooting , my name. "KILLS, KILLS"

"What? Have we already arrive ?" I ask not worrying to open my eyes until she gives me an answer

"Yes!" I immediately jumped out of my sit and look at the window

"Wow" I say not being able to formulate a decent sentence

"Right? It's everything so...dreamy" I turn around and rush my way out of this damn airplane.

When I got outside my reaction HAD to be filmed. I stand there, I just...stand.

A few minutes later, Zie comes and brings me back to reality. Even though, this is our new reality.

After doing everything we needed to do, stuff like getting our bags and checking out of the airport, we got to the street.

"Holy shit" I say while looking around me. This is... this is definitely something. There is a lot of cars on the streets, the sky is completely blue, there is a few buildings too.

"Couldn't have said better" it's easy to realize that Zie is exactly like me. Overwhelmed.

"Let's go! I want to see the house!" After some time of staring at things we call a cab.

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