"I want you to know, that his father signed these papers so he no longer is the legal father of Aiden."

"This is good news right?"

"It is indeed."

"So what now?"

"So now it's your turn to sign."

"Is there any chance we can read it through first?"

"Of course, take your time, I will get you some coffee or maybe tea?"

"Tea please and for this dude please some lemonade?"

"I will be right back." When she left the room I could finally breath again. God that woman was suffocating me. I gave the papers to Harry and he immediately called his lawyer. He was reading the documents out loud to his lawyer just to make sure there wasn't anything in them that could be misleading us.

"Mr Styles, the documents are complete without any tricks, so if you want to sign them it would be fine. You two will be the legal parents of Aiden, without the chance that his father can get him back."

"Thank you Evens. Sorry for waking you like this."

"It's okay, Congratulations on the adoption sir." After that they hung up and he walked back to Aiden and me. I was had given Aiden my phone to play a game, just to keep him busy.

A few knocks on the door, told us she was back with our drink, Harry opened the door and smiled at her whilst getting two drinks from her. He put mine and Aiden's in front of me and the woman sat down.

"So is everything cleared up?"

"Yes and we would like to sign now, if that's possible?"

"Of course, Here you go." She gave us both pens and that's when we began to sign every document that was in front of us. When we were done I just had 2 more questions.

"Is there any chance that we could see his medical records and do we have to get him a passport, as we will be returning to England in 3 weeks."

"I've got all his documents here and he doesn't have a passport, so yes you have to get him one. It will take the City Hall a week to get it done but I don't think that will be a problem right?"

"No not at all." I assured her.

"Well let me be the first to congratulate you two for becoming parents of this sweet little boy." She extended her hand and we all shook it.

"Can we give him my last name?" Harry asked and this surprised me but then again, Aiden is our son now so why not.

"Yes, just show the City Hall these adoption papers and they will make sure the right name will be on his passport."

"Thank you so much for everything."

"No thank you for giving this boy a great opportunity."  She said honestly and I smiled at that and nodded, as I was lost for words.

"Well here are all the documents and I wish you all a happy life together." We thanked her again and walked outside. When we were outside I cheered and fist bumped the air and after that I lifted Aiden up in my arms and spinned him around, which he loved.

Harry joined us as we had our mini celebration, people stopped to stare at us, with smiles on their faces, which made this day only better. I was so thankful for this moment.

After I heard I couldn't get pregnant anymore I was devastated but this little boy brought me so much joy already and to think that he was now our son. Nothing could ruin this for me anymore.

"Let's get you a passport okay?" I asked Aiden after I had put him down and he smiled and grabbed my hand again.

"Okay mommy." He said out of the blue and that stopped me in my tracks. Remember my words from just a few seconds ago, this was the best day ever, nothing could be better after this.

"Is everything okay mommy, did I do something?" Aiden asked worried as I stopped walking. I turned towards him and gave him the biggest smile ever and kneeled down in front of him and cuddled him. "No you didn't say anything wrong sweetie."

"Okay you two let's get moving because we have some traveling to do!" Harry said with a softness in his voice that I hadn't heard before and when I looked at him I saw tears in his eyes and my heart was literally beating for him and I know what he was thinking because I was thinking the same thing.

We walked into the City Hall and went straight towards the reception and told them what we wanted. The woman send us to a picture booth to make a picture of Aiden, which was for his passport and when we got back she directed us to one of the empty desks and told us that someone would be with us shortly.

After a few minutes a man came walking up to us and introduced him. "So a passport for this young fellow right?"

"Yes please?"

"Well young man, what is your name?"

"My name is Aiden "  he paused for a few seconds just to remember what his last name was again and it was quite adorable but he just didn't know. "It's Aiden Styles sir." Harry said as he winked to Aiden, who was now smiling. We showed him the adoption papers and he congratulated us and promised us that the papers would be ready in one week. We thanked him and got out of the building.

"What do you guy's say, shall we get our stuff and get this show on the road?" Harry asked us enthusiast and we both nodded. Harry lifted Aiden in his arms and we walked to the rented car. When we got out of the car Aiden was already asleep so we let him in the car whilst we were getting our stuff from the room.

I know it isn't really responsible but what can happen to him whilst he was sleeping, we let the window open not fully open of course but just enough to let in fresh air and as I just said we would be ready in no more then 15 minutes.

When we got into our room, it hit me. I was a mom now and I couldn't help myself but cry and yes they were happy tears, as soon as Harry saw me crying, he let everything fall and pulled me into his embrace. I sobbed for like 3 minutes I think it was and he kept rubbing my back.

"We are parents Harry." I whispered.

"Yes we are." He brought his face closer to mine and kissed me softly on the lips. This kiss said it all. Everything that we had been through, lead us to this moment. I know it was time to move past everything and I would do this by focussing on Aiden and my relationship with Harry.

"Let's get going before Aiden wakes up." Harry mumbled against my lips and he kissed me one more time before leaving the suite.  



Hi lovely readers!! First of all thank you so much for sticking with me throughout this story. It really means so much to me and normally I wouldn't do a really long a/n but I felt it was necessary just to let you guy's know that I really do appreciate every single read and vote and comment! 

When I first started writing this story I never had imagined that I would get so many readers and to hear that you guys like it so much, means the world to me!! So that's why I have written a really long chapter for you guys and no this is not yet the end but the end is coming. I can't tell you exactly how many more chapters I will write but it is coming to an end.

I hope you all liked this chapter as much as I did writing it. What do you guy's think of Aiden and do you think they made the right decision by adopting him? Let me know in the comments. I will be reading them like always!!

Also if you want you can ask me questions on ask.fm, as I just made an account there!! you can find it on http://ask.fm/LiamPayneAddict!! Don't be shy just ask me stuff, I will always answer!! ;)

Love you all so much!!! And again thank you so much for reading this Story!!  You guys are the very best!!!!

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