Chapter 11

646 12 5

" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
A/N= authors note
Regular = narrative

Hashirama:Sorry kid, but we can't control ourselves, so we're going all out, get out of here while you still can

"No thanks, I wouldn't have interfered if I knew I would've lost, and in this case, I know I won't lose"

Orochimaru:Let's see if your actions can backup those statements

"If it's against you then yeah it's possible"

Orochimaru:Tch, brat, take him down

"You know, if you're gonna make people your slaves you could atleast show them some sympathy, at least a 'please' or 'thank you' every once in a while"

Orochimaru:These idiots don't need my sympathy, it's a simple process, I'm their master, they're my slaves

"You never cease to disgust me"

Orochimaru:Kill him, he's the one who started my suffering

Hiruzen:I already told you get out of here! If they're too strong for me then you won't survive either

"Stop talking old man, you'll only get more injured, go rest or something my power is far greater than yours"

*Timeskip because I'm not good at writing fights*

After defeating the 1st and 2and hokages I charged at Orochimaru

"Falcon punch!"


Orochimaru:YOU STUPID BRAT!!

Orochimaru's hands managed to snap even more after that little incident

"Zenno, how's Hiruzen"

He's fine

"That's good to hear"

Hiruzen:Boy, how did you do that?

"I told you not to underestimate me old man"

*Timeskip to the Hokage office*

Hiruzen:It's clear that I am no longer fit for the title of Hokage

Jiraiya:But Lord 3rd, if you aren't the Hokage then who's gonna take over?

Hiruzen:Jiraiya boy, I want you to go find the other Legendary Sannin, she will be the next Hokage, and take Naruto with you

Jiraiya:Yes Lord 3rd

Hiruzen:As for you (Y/N), you have the qualities to be a great Hokage, what do you think? After Tsunade steps down you can be the 6th Hokage

"No thanks, that's not really something that interests me"

Hiruzen:Well you have definitely impressed me, not only did you show great strength and willpower, but you also saved little old me, I would like to promote you to Jonin, I'm not sure being a part of the ANBU Black Ops is in anyone's bucket list with Danzo in charge

"Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do"

Hiruzen:Good, Ebisu will be out of commission for a while, but I would like to have you as the permanent leader to his team. It consists of Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon

'Great, so I have to deal with the brat that calls Naruto boss all the time, speaking of I haven't talked to Naruto in a while, I'll talk to him when he gets back'

"Ok, so when do I get started?"

Hiruzen:I'll let you get settled, then after you can have your mission, let me know when you're ready

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