Chapter 3

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A/N ok so here's the deal, I plan on doing this story for a while, maybe a couple days later I will start with shippuden after I finish this one, I already have the cover and the title and everything and I have the first chapter in my drafts, and let's just say it gets into it real quick, that's all for now, enjoy the chapter!

" " = talking
* * = narrative/actions
' ' = thoughts
A/N= authors note

'Team 8, I wonder who our sensei will be"

Naruto:This is soo boring, the only people left waiting are us, team 8, and (Y/N)*he tells sakura and sasuke*

*Naruto places an eraser between the door*

Naruto:That'll teach them not to be late heehee

*I removed the eraser*

Naruto:HEY, what'd you do that for!*Naruto asked me*

"I might not be in your team Naruto, but I will not have you 3 deemed idiots because of your actions"

Sasuke:As much as I hate to admit he's right Naruto, besides, they're jonin, I doubt they would fall for a pathetic prank like that

Sakura's thoughts:Darnit! I so wanted it to happen

Hinata:H-how thoughtful of y-you (Y/N)

*As Hinata says this a slim woman with decently long hair and red eyes walks in*

Jonin:My name is Kurenai, I will be the leader for Team 8, I heard I was having 4 students this time around, I still won't go easy on you, let's meet outside so you could introduce yourselves

*Hinata, Kiba, and Shino started heading outside*

"Welp, I guess I have to go, see ya Naruto, good luck"

Naruto:Thanks (Y/N) you too!

*I headed outside*

Kurenai:Now that we're all here, let's begin. You, spiky hair, no face *she says as she point to Shino*

Shino:My name is Shino Aburame.....

Kurenai:You're certainly an interesting one, dogboy, your turn *She points at Kiba*

Kiba:My name is Kiba Inuzuka, this here is my ninken(ninja dog) Akamaru.

Kurenai:Very well, blue hair, your turn *She points at Hinata*

Hinata:My name i-is Hinata Hyuga o-of the Hyuga clan

Kurenai:Nice to meet you Hinata Hyuga of the Hyuga clan, I can tell I'm going to like you

Hinata:T-thank y-you

Kurenai:Last and definitely least, (H/C) hair (E/C) eyes *points at me* (A/N you can choose what you look like)

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), as for my clan, I don't associate myself with such things

Kurenai:Ah yes, the prodigy

"Don't call me that"

Kurenai:Very well, tomorrow will be this team's first mission, meet me in the hokage's office at 8am sharp

Everyone:Yes sensei

*Timeskip to tomorrow*

*I was walking to the hokage's office when I ran into Kiba, so we decided to walk together so we could atleast get to know eachother better*

*Me and Kiba heard talking inside the office so we decided to listen before we entered*

??:Yes that is indeed true, team 8 has the most potential as of now, especially with (Y/N)

Kurenai:Lord Hokage, I request to permanently keep (Y/N) on my squad, it would be an honor to have him as a part of my team

Hokage:I would have to speak with some of the jonin, but I would not see a problem with this

*Me and Kiba walk in*

Kurenai:I said 8 sharp, not 8:02

Me and Kiba:Sorry sensei

Kurenai:Atleast you aren't the latest ones, Hinata got here earlier so told her to go look for you 3

*Door opens revealing Hinata and Shino*

Shino:Sorry for the delay Kurenai-sensei

Kurenai:It's fine, just be on time next time

Hokage:Now that everyone is here I will explain your mission, this team as of now has the most potential, and I have seen your achievements, so I would recommend a C rank mission as a first

"Sensei, as much as I would enjoy to, are you sure we're even qualified?"

Kurenai:Right now this team is the fittest to take on these kinds of missions to start

Hokage:I have also decided to leave (Y/N) on team 8, as I feel it would be the best choice

*Kurenai looks at him with a smile*

Hinata's thoughts:(Y/N)-kun will stay on team 8, this is a great chance to try to get closer to him

*Hiruzen reveals a scroll*

Hokage:Your mission is to deliver this scroll to the land of spices, this will strengthen our bond with them as well as aquire medicine only found there, with that said you are released

*Kurenai takes the scroll*

Kurenai:Thank you Lord Hokage *she faces us* as for you 4, go rest, or get some training in, if you need me I will be in the sparring field, you are now released

Hinata:(Y/N)-kun I w-was wondering if y-you wanted to h-hang out with me later

'I wanted to hang with Naruto but he'll probably be busy, I guess some time with Hinata won't be too bad'

"Like a date?"

Hinata:N-no i-it's not l-like that u-unless you want it t-to *she looks back at me with her face redder than tomatoes*



"I don't see why not, I'll go to your place at 7 and we'll see how it goes from there"

Hinata:O-ok, I'll see y-you then

*With that everyone went their own way*

That was easier than I thought, and my hands don't even hurt! (Weakling) Oh shut it, let me know what you all want to see next chapter, until then! Bye!! (See you next time reader!)

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