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Knocking on the door echoed through the house. Red haired woman got up from sofa and went to open it. When she heard another knock she said, little annoyed "I'm coming." She opened the door and saw a tall man leaning against the door frame, his head faced down turned to her when he heard the door opening.
"Hey Su- wait, you're not Susan."
"No, I'm not, I'm-"
"Sorry, I thought that somebody else lives here, this is weird." he chuckled nervously.
"I'm Lucy, Susan's roommate, which you would already know if you didn't interrupt me..."
"Oh, okay, right I'm Ethan your neighbour. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Lucy stand there watching Ethan closely, a nervous smile on his face was growing more and more with the increasing time. Lucy smiled at him and said, "Well know I get it."
"You get what?"
"Oh nothing. What do you want?"
"Oh right, I kinda run out of eggs, so I was thinking, since I have neighbours now, I could ask them, right, before I'm gonna have to pick up my lazy butt and to the store... Long story short. Do you have some eggs I could steal from you, guys?"
"Yeah, sure just wait a bit."
"Thanks." he shouted for her as she disappeared inside.

Ethan turned around and was watching the street before him. His attention was just caught by some cat in the window of the house across the street, who was trying to catch a fly or something, when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and faced a blond woman, she was about 10 cm shorter than him, he smiled at her, she smiled back.
"Hi, I heard you have an egg emergency.
"Yep, I'm afraid I do." he said and when he was about to say something else his phone rang. He looked at the screen and his smile slowly faded away. "Sorry, I have to take this.
"Sure, no problem.
"Hey Jess, how are you? Yes, I did. Well I don't know yet and even if i did and already sent it you wouldn't have it yet so.., that's why you're calling, right. Well as I already told you don't know if I'll come, so. No, it's not like that. No, that's not true, I ju-, alright, fine I can't understand why are you marrying him... after what he did to you? NO, I am not jealous! Yes, I'm sure, why should I be? It's been three years and even then, I told you it's nothing se-. No, Jess, Jessica, Jessica, Jess,Je-. No, of course I'd like to see you. And Lyndsey, well her not so much but yeah. Yes, I'll think about it. You too, bye Jess. Sorry about that." said Ethan with apologetic smile. "That's alright, so who was that? Jerry?" Susan asked with laugh and smirk.
"Yeah." he chuckled "Well, ehm it was Jessica, surprisingly, she's my best friend, or was, I'm not really sure, but she's the one who sent me that invitation, so... yeah, that's pretty much it."
"And if you don't mind me asking, why don't you wanna go? I mean if she's your best friend..."
"Ehm, you're asking difficult questions Susan." laughed Ethan. "What's so difficult about it?"
"Well, it's a long-complicated story but in a nutshell, I'd love to see my friend again BUT there's a little problem and his name is Kyle. And it's not because I'm jealous of him, that is totally untrue. The thing is that the guy is a total douchebag, who thinks that he's gonna get away with everything and frankly he is so far, at least with Jess and as a friend I seriously can't understand that she didn't sent him to hell after what he did to her." His face looked genuinely concerned as he was speaking but even so Susan wasn't sure if there wasn't at least a little bit of jealousy in his voice.
"Then, she must really love him..." "Yeah, I just hope she's not gonna regret it one day..."
In that moment Lucy came back with eggs "Here you go, enjoy them." She said with a smile.
"Thanks, you saved me. Alright I'm gonna leave you be now. Thank you one more time and see you around." And with those words he went down the stairs, then up his opened the door and waved them goodbye before closing them.

"Well, I can tell you that now I understand why you like him." said Lucy as both women went back inside their own house. Susan just tried to hide the blush and said "I don't know what you're talking about."                                                          

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