29.0// Goodbye //

Start from the beginning

"I don't".

"Oh shit, there goes Y/n", Paddy murmured. I don't even know who let him in here, but he was good with computers so it was all worth it.

 "Come on Y/n, I know there's history between you two but can't you put that aside? You don't need any more enemies", Harry continued. 

"I can assure you, Tom isn't an enemy. And he hates red carpets. Speaking of which, how long until we get there? Hello?"

There was a pause 


Another pause

"Terry? Terry?" I heard banging.

"Harry? Did you check who was driving us?"

"Yeah I did".

"It wasn't Terry was it?"

"No. Sorry for this darling".

I heard something hit another, and Y/n's groans. We heard a car door opening and Harry's voice came up again. 

"Careful with her, Vanessa wants her in one piece".

"Oh fuck".

I started to panic. "Do-do we have a location on her? I need a location NOW!"

I got out of the house and into my black Audi, with Harrison getting into the passenger seat.

"What are you doing? Mate, just go inside. You can't come with me, especially if there's a chance that I won't be coming back".

"Shut up and drive".

I sighed with frustration and started driving.

My phone rang and Harrison answered it.


"Ah, Harrison. Is Tom with you?"

It was Vanessa. Fuck. 

"What do you want Vanessa?"

"Do you know where Y/n is?"

Harrison gawped at me, unsure of what to say. I shook myself head at him and intervened.

"She's gone out. Why?"

"Out? Oh yes, tonight she's supposed to be at the Golden Globes?"

"Don't play games with me Vanessa. What have you done?"

"Im not quite sure how to put it in into words. Maybe Y/n can do it for me".

There was a scuffle and I heard Vanessa again. 

"Hey sis. Your Tommy wants to know what I've done. You wanna tell him?"

I heard soft groans but no words.

"Oh dear, I think Harry knocked her a out a little too hard. Well, I'm sure you know what she means. Anything else you want to say Y/n dear, before I kill you?"


"Y/n, just keep your eyes open. Where-where are you?"

"Not telling. You destroyed my life Thomas. So I'll destroy yours. Starting by this".

I heard a gunshot. 

"FUCK, Y/N!"

"That's gonna leave a mess. Clean it up". Vanessa hung up the phone.

"Tom, she's fucking about. She hasn't killed Y/n she's just trying to scare us. She wouldn't kill anyone, she's a pussy".

"Okay, okay", it was hard to think straight, "Vanessa, she thinks we don't know where she is. She doesn't know that we know. So we surprise her".

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