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𝐓𝐇𝐄 day was chill, with girls hanging out, posting tik toks and scrolling on gays tik tok room. It was crazy how people hated Mia over a rumor.

or how people hated Melody because she was a 'cheater'. "this shit is crazy maybe we should clear this up", Mia said showing them another picture of about her and mels on Instagram.

"yeah, before this shit goes overboard", Melody said. Ag nodded her head, "agree but I'm not in this... sooo going to let you be", Ag said placing a kiss on Melodys lips and leaving the room.

Mia waited until Ag left the room and blurted out "let's prank her". Melody widen her eyes "no this is the bad time to prank her, she's going to think the rumors are true", Melody said.

Mia only laughed, "ah so funny, this is the best time. Make her 20x madder", Mia said with a laugh.

Melody shook her head with a smirk on her face. Mia was a baby getting candy when it came to making Ag mad or some shit.

"okay if I do this, you owe me 20 anddd you have to make them cookies again.. ONLY FOR ME", Melody said referring to the bomb ass cookies Mia made last night.

"they were good as shit, I know, I know", Mia said hyping herself up. "so what's the plan", Melody said not really sure of how she will prank Ag.

"uh, let's just be like cuddle up together or like face kiss ya know", Mia said. She was all planned for this but wanted to make it simple.

"how can you fake kiss?", Melody asked confused. "So I'll put my thumbs on your lips and you do the same thing and we kiss our thumbs", Mia said showing her a picture she recently screen shoted.

"mhm okay... set the camera up so she knows this shit is a prank.. just got her ass back don't want to lose her again", Melody said.

"aw huff that was sad but whatever", Mia said and pulled her phone out and hid it pushing the record button.

Melody laughed as she saw Mia struggling to set up the camera. "move dumbass", Melody said and kindly pushed Mia out of the way.

Mia being extra and fell on her ass, Melody laughed and set up the camera. "no sorry", Mia said.

"no get up", Melody said. Mia got up and balled her hand up in a ball and went for Melody stomach but she stopped.

"I can't punch you in the stomach because I read this thing, if you punch a girl that's suppose to have babies in the stomach. Her baby will be like... idk but it's not good! And I'm tryna be a god mom so... I'm going for the face", Mia said and slapped Melody not hard but a bit hard.

"ow you whore", Melody said and hit Mia in the stomach. Mia groaned... after minutes of them fighting and playing around they heard footsteps.

They quickly got in their position and kissed their thumbs. As they kissed their thumbs.. Ag came in.

"Mia—what the hell", Ag said and walk towards the girl pushing them apart with anger and force.

"I-I baby it's not what it looks like", Melody said not wanting to laugh so hard right now.

She could kinda see the joy of this; why Mia was happy sometimes when Ag was mad.

"then what the hell is it because damn it isn't my girlfriend kissing my best friend", Ag said grabbing Melody by the arm gently.

Ag never would hurt anyone in million years...well it depends. But she wouldn't hurt Melody—

Mad at her or not. Melody somewhat found it hot. "ag I'm so sorry", Mia said standing up.

"you're real brave to be talking, Ill... I'll fucking!", Ag couldn't even get her words out properly.

"So the rumors were true... this whole time I was standing up for you and you!", Ag said pointing at Melody and pushing mias chest with her finger.

"thanks a lot dude but...", Mia said and ag raised her hand. "oh... calm down Jamal", Melody said grabbing Ag hand.

Ag turnt around in seconds and looked at Melody. This might sound toxic but she didn't care that Melody just kissed her best friend.

It only matter if she loved her.. if Melody loved Mia. If she didn't, Ag still had a chance and that's all she cared about.

Ag grabbed Melody neck roughly with her hand and kissed her her rough. Melody kissed back putting her hand on top of Ags arm.

Ag broke away the kiss with a deep breath. "but you love me right... not her. Me?", Ag said. Melody went into awe.

"yes I love you but baby it was just a prank", Melody said. Mia laughed loudly. Ag sucked her teeth feeling like a dumbass.

"man fuck y'all honestly", Ag said walking out of the room. "remind me to put warning: not PG 13.. okay", Mia said after she watched the too kissed.

"no, but I will remind you about my 20 and cookies", Melody said going after mia.

"okay.. I'm going to close up", Mia said as Melody walked out of the room. "anyways, I'll just like to say. That me and Melody are just friends.. she's dating my best friend and I would never be a homewreckings, theirs more beautiful girls out there to date.. I'll find one eventually but no! Me and Melody are F R I E N D S... promise, pinky swear. okay bye that's was funny ash", Mia said ending the video.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲

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