Chapter 2 - Negans questions

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TW: talk of suicide

"Want a coffee?" I yelled.
"Sure." Rick yelled from the living room, "Michonne wants to babysit her so Judith will be back before evening." Rick explains, walking into the kitchen, "But uh," he cocks a brow, leaning on the kitchen table as he starts cooking breakfast, "I need to talk to Negan today."

I nearly spit out my coffee, coughing, "Negan?- you haven't talked to him in months."

"I just need to clarify things with him. Gabriel told me he started knocking himself unconscious." Rick says, chopping some carrots. "Do you think Negan?..."

Rick shook his head, pausing his cutting, "... in all honesty, I have to agree that he is most likely suicidal. That's why I want to talk to him."

I nod slowly, putting my coffee on the table I grabbed a nearby clean mug. "Do you want sugar?"

He shook his head, "Today I feel like black, maybe tomorrow."

I nodded, pouring his cup of coffee he starts to cook the carrots, grabbing some toast he throws them in the toaster.

"Your coffee," I nod, placing it on the table next to him, "Anyway, uh," I stood next to him. "Be careful, I haven't seen him since that day." I grab his hand.

He puts the plates out, sitting down I sit across from him. "I will." He nods.

An hour later...

"No." I whispered, running my hand through my hair, "I've tried to stop, Carl," I sighed, sitting on the couch I hear him behind me, the floor boards creaking.

"Tried to stop what?" He asks.
"... I talk to Negan." I whispered, "Not frequently. But once or twice every month. No one knows."

"So you lied to Dad about you not seeing him since he slit his throat?" Carl asks.
"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, "I haven't talked to Negan in months though, well, maybe 3."

"I'm not going to lie to you, Bella." Carl sighed, "You need to stop."

"Stop what? Talking to you or Negan?" I asked.
"Me." He shrugged, "You haven't seen me, only heard me. You know that you are only hearing my voice because im not real." Carl shook his head as he paces behind me.

I take a shaky breath in, ignoring his words I close my eyes. Turning around in one swift move, i see no one.

I need to stop this.

I shook my head, collecting myself I choose to go outside and go find Rick, hopefully he's not done talking to him.

I need to ask Negan a few questions.


I knock on the glass door, I'm an Idiot. Why would I talk to Negan? Sure I snuck around the guards to try and ask him some tips on a few things. But I never asked him the questions I wanted too, I was afraid and tried to hide it with anger.

"Oh- Isabella?" Gabriel says, a confused tone in his voice he cocks his head to the side.
"I... wanted to talk to Negan?" I looked around.

Rick steps around Gabriel and looks at me, "Isabella? Uh- sure I guess?" He looked behind him as Gabriel opens the door, letting me in.

I take a few steps in. In honesty I never been in here, only by the window.

"Isabella?" Negan looked at me, his beard gone but a large bruise on his head. He looked at Rick as a large smile formed on his face.

Don't say anything to him. Please.

"Rick? Mind letting Isabella and I have a chat? It will only take a second." He smiled.

Rick glared coldly, "Only for a few minutes." Rick gently grabs my arm, whispering, "Be careful."

I nod, him and Gabriel step outside, I see them walk far enough away from the outside window I let my shoulders relax, rubbing my eyes. "I have a few questions." I say calmly.

"So do I, Bell." He smiled, not moving from his bed, "What are yours, first?"

I glared, grabbing the bars in front of me. Trying not to get too angry I take a deep breath, looking at him, I don't know why this was so difficult. I've... talked to him before, but not in person.

"What's wrong?" He asks. Standing up.
"Dont move towards me. Just dont." I growled, "... Did you know I was pregnant? Back when I was 'married' to you?" I let out a breath, letting my head hang.

He sighed sorrowfully, "Oh..." he says, running a hand through his shaven hair. "Isabella Grimes, I never knew. I swear. I wanted you punished, but if I'd knew you were carrying Ricky Dickies baby... I'd never let anyone touch you.... I'm so sorry." He says softly, "I see what I did and thought was wrong." He growled to himself, sounding upset.

I paused, waiting for anything else I continued. "What bugs me the most is that I heard that you cared about me more than your other wives. Is that true?" I asked.

He didn't respond, just looked at me sadly.

"You don't have to answer that one, not now." I shrugged. "What do you want to know?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Nothing you want to hear."

I scoffed, looking him with daggers I felt my skin suddenly crawl, "Excuse me?" I cocked my head, glaring.

"Isabella I want you to know one single, true thing. Alright?" He says, walking up to me I freeze. Looking at him.

"I care about you. In all honesty. Please know I won't tell Rick about you talking to me. You have to trust me." He says, grabbing the bars, "I care." He nods, "Because you are the only person that talks to me, vents to me. I appreciate-"

"Times up." Rick growled, walking in he held his belt, "Step away from the bars, Negan." Gabriel says calmly as Rick grabs my hand calmly, "I'll see you next week." Gabriel nods, "So will I." Rick glared, walking us out.

We walked in silence, I looked at the sky, I didn't feel relieved. What he said to me sounded like a confession, like he'd never say that to anyone out loud. Like it was heartfelt.

But that didn't change a single thing he did to us, he isn't human, not anymore.

Doesn't change a single thing.

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