Yule Ball

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It was Christmas eve. The night of the yule ball. The girls had come to my room after lunch to start getting prepared. Hermione borrowed magazines from the muggle studies' stash to look at for ideas for our hair and makeup. Luna was incredibly good at doing hair so she was designated for that. The makeup we were all going to take part in helping. We were flipping through pages when the twins came into the door. I long ago told them the password.

"Hello ladies!" they said together.

"Fred what are you doing here?"

"You don't look happy to see me." He pouted jumping on my bed and laying on my lap. He picked up my magazine and started flipping through it.

"Excuse me you nuisance I was looking at that." I said snatching it back. I ran my hand through his hair and smiled at him. "I am happy to see you. We're just busy that's all."

"Looking through magazines is busy?"

"Hey we're trying to look pretty for the boys. Don't know why particularly. You won't notice." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"I resent that." George said.

"Me too." Fred added. "I promise I will notice what you do bug."

"I should hope so." I smiled again before pushing him off. "No out you get."

"But we're bored!" they said.

"Go bother Ron and Harry. They stopped me on my way here. They're also bored." Hermione said without looking up.

"Alright I guess." George said shrugging. "See you later Luna."

"Bye George, see you later."

"Do I really have to leave?" Fred asked me whining.


"I can't even get a sneak peek?"

"Absolutely not." I said laughing at his reaction.

"Bloody hell you're going to kill me."

"You can see us when we come meet you in the great hall."

"I can't even come get you?" he asked incredulously.

"You know maybe we should let them come get us." Luna said.

"But I don't want other people knowing where her room is." Hermione said. "I'll meet Viktor in the great hall."

"And I'll meet Neville. He was already expecting that anyway." Ginny said shrugging.

"Well before anyone changes their minds we're leaving and will be here by 8." Fred said going to leave.

"Make it earlier. The ball starts at 8 and I have to be there to dance with Viktor." Hermione called.

"Okay 7:45 then." George said closing the door behind him. I smiled and picked my magazine back up.

"You're so gone for my brother." Ginny said giggling.

"Which one of us?"

"Oh bloody hell that's true. All of my best friends fancy my brothers. Good thing I have so many." She joked. "I mean (y/n) though."

"I can neither confirm or deny that." I said turning the page without looking up.

"Well you absolutely can't deny it. You smile at Fred differently than I ever saw you smile at Draco." Hermione said. "Even before things got bad you never looked this happy."

"I just like him a lot okay?" I said finally looking up at them.

"We know."

"Let's stop talking about it. What do you girls think about a half braided updo for me?" I asked showing them the picture of the girl with curly hair and a partial French braid.

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