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"And where do you think you're going?" Draco asked watching me get ready from his place on my bed.

"I'm going to Hosmeade with my friends. We're going to Three Broomsticks."

"You're going without even asking me?" he asked making me close my eyes and count to 10.

"Draco I don't need your permission to go anywhere."

"Yes you do! And you didn't even ask me if I wanted to go, how do you think that makes me feel? I'm not good enough for your friends?"

"No! You think you're too good for my friends! That's the problem." I yelled trying to make him get it before going back to my mirror to take my hair out of its braids so my hair would look crimped. I fluffed it up and saw him seething behind me. "For Merlin sake, do you want to come Draco?"

"Yes I would. I have no idea what you're doing there or who you're doing it with. Clearly you need a chaperone."

"I do not need a chaperone! What is your problem?"

"You're dolling yourself up. For who? Who are you actually meeting there? Is this for Potter?"

"No Draco! You're being crazy. The girls decided we would all dress up a little more than usual. We're just trying to have fun and if you're going to ruin it you can just stay here." I huffed going to find a pair of sneakers I kept for when I wasn't around the school.

"I don't mean to ruin all your fun." He said in a sad voice sitting down with a sigh. The mood shifting pissed me off almost more than him just being mad and acting insane. I knew it was manipulating but I still felt bad hearing him sound sad.

"You don't ruin all my fun. Don't say that. Just get ready and let's go. I have to meet them in like 10 minutes."

"I'll just go as I am."

"Alright perfect."

I looked in the mirror once more taking in my appearance. I didn't usually wear tight fighting clothes because I always felt self conscious but today I felt like it. I had on tight pants and a tank top, a jumper over top since it was almost November. My hair was crimped and I thought looked fun. I had also added a bit of makeup to accentuate my features and complete the look.

"Are you almost ready? Standing there staring isn't going to make you look any better." He mumbled leaving the room.

I once again counted to 10 and walked out past him towards the exit. He didn't say anything just tried his best to keep up as I walked briskly through the castle to get to the great hall. I quickly saw my friends standing near the front of the hall and went up to them. I turned to Draco but he was talking to some other Slytherins. I rolled my eyes and just continued over to the others.

"Oh my goodness! You look so cute!" Luna said noticing me first making me the center of everyone's attention. I blushed like mad and looked down.

"Um thanks Luna. You guys look nice too."

"You don't seem convinced." Ginny said with a confused look on her face.

"No I am you guys all look amazing."

"Not that (y/n). Did someone say something?"

"Oh, yeah. It's fine. By the way he's coming along I think. I'm sorry." I looked at everyone hoping they could tell how genuinely sorry I was.

"It's okay. I'm sure you had a good reason to invite him."

"He invited himself and I was too scared to say no. He should be fine though. He usually treats me fine when others are around and I won't let him treat you guys bad. I'll tell him to leave."

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