Girl's day

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"Oh there you are! I've been looking for you." Luna said skipping up to me. "Have you been crying?"

"It's okay Luna. I'm fine." I said with a strained smile. I had been crying behind Hagrid's hut with Ginger for a couple hours. Draco and I fought again.

"Come with me little Slytherin. I know just the people who will help cheer you up." She pulled my hands until I was standing. She didn't let go while we walked back into Hogwarts and I appreciated it. "I hope they can cheer you up. They always cheer me up."

"I'm afraid not many people want to cheer up a Slytherin, Luna. Especially not one that's dating Draco."

"These are very lovely people. And you are a lovely people. They won't want to see you sad."

I just followed along silently through the school until we got to the courtyard. Hermione and Ginny were sitting there playing wizard chess together. Luna started leading me over there and I panicked. It was no secret the golden trio didn't like me so there was really no reason to expect anything different from Ginny either. I just followed along anyway, knowing better than to upset Luna. I'd feel terrible for weeks if I ever upset my sweet friend.

"Hi girls!" she exclaimed happily.

"Hey Luna."

"What's she doing here then?" Hermione asked looking pretty angry.

"This is (y/n). She's my friend and she was crying so I brought her along to go to Hogsmeade with us."

"Is that really the best idea Luna?" Ginny asked unsure.

"I'm positive. She's a really nice person."

"She's dating Draco!"

"I wouldn't be friends with her if she were bad Hermione."

"I promise I'm not like him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I treated people the way he does." I said with fresh tears stinging my eyes.

"Did..did he do something to you?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah only always." I laughed sniffling and wiping a tear. "Merlin, sorry. I didn't mean to be a blubbering mess. I'm just so annoyed."

"Hey it's okay. Come to Hogsmeade with us and let's talk about it yeah?" Ginny said rubbing my arm.

"How do we know that this isn't a trick?" Hermione asked still skeptical.

"Mione, would I ever be friends with someone who had a bad heart? Who was trying to be mean to people?" Luna asked her.

"No you wouldn't."

"Then that's sorted. I have been friends with (y/n) since I first got here and she never hurt anyone."

"Okay but if this comes back to bite us it will be your fault Luna."

"I will take that responsibility."

With that we were all on our way to the village. It was snowing these beautiful fluffy flakes when we got there. It looked beautiful. We walked around some shops buying candy and little knickknacks or trinkets. I was looking at a beautiful silver snake ring. I didn't want it but it looked like something Draco would love.

"Hey Luna do you think Draco would like this?"

"I think it's beautiful. He would be lucky to receive it. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. I just upset him a lot earlier and think it would be good for an apology."

I paid for the ring and we joined the other two outside. "I love when it snows like this. I feel like I'm in a snow globe or something."

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