Future Plans

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"Darling!" I heard Draco call out running over to me in the hall.

"Draco, hi!" I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"I feel like I haven't seen you at all the last week."

"I'm sorry love, I've been busy with assignments and I joined the astronomy club as well as the magical creatures club."

"It seems like you don't have time for me anymore." He said frowning.

"Don't be silly! I always have time for you! I'm sorry I've made you feel that way, I just wanted to be a part of something fun this year. I've never really bothered and this might help later on to get a job I'd like."

"You're thinking about the future already?"

"I think about the future quite often actually."

"What do you see for your future?" he asked nervously holding my hand.

"I think I want to work with animals. Maybe write books about them. I want to have a cozy little cottage just outside of Hogsmeade. I also want a big family in the future. A loving household with a lot of little ones running around. And I want you by my side of course." I smiled at him but he laughed making my smile fall. "What's funny?"

"You want to write books? Seriously? That'll never happen. You won't be working if you're going to have my children. Who's going to take care of them if we both work? And you're bloody insane if you think I'm going to go from living in Malfoy Manor to a 'cozy cottage'. Your idea of the future is not how it will be if I have anything to do with it love."

"You asked me what I wanted my future to look like Draco. I was just answering your question." I said softly closing in on myself.

"Let me tell you what our future looks like together, yeah?" he said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, alright."

"We get married as soon as we graduate. My father buys us our own manor, set with everything we need including house elves."

"Draco I hate house elves, it's barbaric."

"Shh just listen. We are set up with everything we ever need. I get an amazing job with the ministry. You stay home and raise 2 beautiful children named after my parents. Happily ever after."

"So I don't get any say in what we name our children? What if I want more than 2?"

"That's just too bad darling." He leaned in and kissed me. "Doesn't it sound nice having everything already planned out and just given to us? You'll come around to the house elves I'm positive. You just need to see how useful they are first."

"I don't care how useful they are. Keeping a creature hostage because you don't want to pick up after yourself is disgusting and my thoughts on that will never change."

"You're talking like bloody Hermione. Have you been hanging out with her again?"

"It doesn't matter Draco. I never liked your house elves. You know that."

"I suppose that's true. I wish you would surround yourself with better company. Pansy tells me she saw you with all the Weasley's and Potter the other day."

"Pansy is a fucking snitch. The girls were there too. I was helping Hagrid teach them about nifflers."

"You should stay away from that oaf as well. I don't think they're a very good influence on you."

"Okay." I said giving up on fighting.

"It's for the best love. They're filling your head with idiotic things."

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