Chapter 4: Do Tell

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"So, that's about it!"

Oboro Shirakumo stood at the front of the class, as he just told them who he is, what happened to him, and other general things about the man.

Class 1A had a look of utter shock. They had just returned from the 2-day break they had after the now called, USJ Incident, and to be greeted by the man that was their teacher's best friend back when Aizawa was a UA Student.

"I-I'm s-sorry to h-hear t-that s-s-sir..." Iida managed to point out after the whole life story of how he ended up as a bioengineered human, made to serve one of the most heinous villains in the world.

All for One.

When Uraraka heard that name, her mind immediately went into shivers. Her mentor, All Might, had warned her about this great danger earlier, the day before they went back to school.

Uraraka thought worriedly. This wasn't a human.

It's a monster.

"B-But there's no n-need to worry, right? I mean...w-with t-the whole K-Kurogiri and v-villlain stuff?" Kaminari surprisingly understood the man's situation.

And honestly, everyone in the class wanted it not to be real.

"Yeah! There's no need to worry about all of that..." Shirakumo got serious all of a sudden. "...maybe." he muttered, but everyone seemed to hear, causing most of the class to shiver even more.

'Their reactions are so priceless' Aizawa looked at how his class tensed up at his friend's usual mischief. His usual prankster and carefree friend were back.

"And your fight isn't finished just yet." he said after Shirakumo. The class got even more scared. Does that mean more villains are gonna show up?

"The UA Sports Festival is coming up." Aizawa put on his usual monotone voice.

"And I'm just kidding, you guys!" Shirakumo puts on a toothy grin, implying that it was a joke. The startled class finally calmed down and let out a sigh of relief.


"You two are so much alike!"

Midoriya picked a good time to re-scan the man he rewound.


|[ Name ]|
Oboro Shirakumo / Loud Cloud
|| Age: 31||
|{ Quirk: Cloud }|

<|Description |>
It allows the user to create different-sized clouds, dense enough to be touched and even hold up the weight of one or several people.

|! Drawbacks !|
If overused, the person may experience dehydration.

|( Current Status: Having fun )|


< A/N There were actually no mentioned drawbacks. I just made it up >

When the class calmed down, they were skeptical that they would be having a festival right after a villain attack but Aizawa and Shirakumo explained that it was the school administration's idea to hold it.

As to say, "We survived a villain attack and promise to improve security from now on."

Plus, it was an important event for the students to get noticed and get scouted by Pro Heroes around the globe. How could they pass up the opportunity?

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