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    She felt so fucking stupid for crying over it.

    Sitting in her car alone, in an empty McDonald's parking lot, she was crying over Nathan. It felt humiliating.

    She hadn't meant to be so obsessive over this whole thing, but somehow she hadn't talked to Corpse in three days, Killian had his birthday party in three days, and she couldn't get Nathan out of her fucking head.

    She didn't blame Corpse for ignoring her. He was still coming around, pretending everything was normal when Killian was around, but the most she had gotten from him was small glances. She didn't know what to tell him.

    She wasn't jealous of the life Nathan had given someone else. She had all she could want. But, Nathan was Killian's biological father, and her first love. She hadn't seen him in six years, and all of a sudden he was looking at her instagram.

    He even had the audacity to DM her.

    She hadn't responded, and she was too scared to even open to read the message entirely.

    The most she could see was "Hey, I know I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm a little confused as to how you have so many followers, and I wanted to ask you about..."

    She wasn't looking forward to it.

    She felt overwhelmed. She didn't want to talk to him, not at all. She wanted to make things right with Corpse, tell him she was sorry and she felt nothing towards Nathan.

    But was that a lie? Did she feel nothing?

    She definitely didn't love him. Isn't that enough?

    She wiped her eyes gently, trying not to smear the wet mascara on her bottom lash line.

    Pulling into the apartment, she took a deep breath, hoping Corpse was streaming or something so she would have time to shower and ignore the fact that she had to talk to him.

    But she missed him. More than ever. She was touch starved, only wanting to be held in his bare chest, and comforted from her mental issues.

    And God, she felt so selfish.

    Corpse was going through so much more. And here she was, crying over her fucking ex.


    She walked into the apartment quietly, knowing Killian was already asleep.

    "Hey," he muttered from the couch, his voice scratchy and deeper than she remembered hearing it before.

    "Hi..." she said hesitantly, looking at him.

    He looked like she wanted to say something, but she knew he wouldn't.

    Setting down her things, she crumbled onto the couch next to him, burying her face into his open chest. He wrapped his arms around her immediately.

"I love you," he muttered softly, kissing her head.

"I love you too," she said without hesitation. "I don't want you to think I don't."

"I know you do.... I just don't understand why he is still so important. It's... it's frustrating. And I know you're trying to let it go, but it still hurt my feelings that you cared about his opinion in the first place," Corpse explained, a hand running through her hair constantly.

"I don't... I don't think I care, really. I think I was just shocked. It's... it's scary to think that he could still be part of my life. But I don't want him, I want you. I just caught in my own head too much." She tried to reassure, but she still hadn't truly figured anything out. "I just... Corpse, I will always love him. He's the father of my child. And I know, Killian will never see him as that, and you won't either, but I will know."

It hurt his heart to hear it. But, he could appreciate her honesty.

"I.... I can't replace someone who has never been there in the first place," he said, remembering what Dave had said. He initially said it to remind himself, but with his words, Weston began to cry.

"I'm sorry," she cried quietly, burying her face to hide in his chest.

"Don't be, Weston. There isn't a written rule book on this. And you didn't deserve it at all. You still don't deserve all of this, baby. We're.. we're just trying to figure all of this out together."

Weston nodded.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Weston." Corpse kissed her lips sweetly, then the tears from her cheeks. "Wanna do something fun tomorrow instead of going to work?"

She laughed lightly, still crying. "I have to work."

"No, call out," Corpse whined, and yeah, she considered it.

"Well, it is Friday..."

He kissed her face repeatedly, "thank you, thank you."

She giggled. "Why?" She asked, laughing.

"I want you to stream with me and Killian tomorrow."

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