PLANS (21)

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Weston was anxious, watching Corpse play with Killian on the living room floor. She could tell he was still in pain, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowing every once in awhile when he was sitting too long.

It was risky, to have Corpse be around Killian. Killian loved him, and Weston knew it. What would he do if Corpse was really sick? And didn't get better.

She would never make Killian stop seeing Corpse, unless thats what Corpse wanted. But she did have to think about Killian and his health and safety before she thought about her own feelings.

Weston was falling for him, and falling hard. They had become so incredibly domestic, nearly a happy small family. Except they were taking it slow, and aside from the heated make out sessions when they had too much to drink in the middle of the night, they were doing a good job.

Neither of them had hinted at anything going on to Killian. They didn't want to ruin "it" before "it" even started. There was too much to lose.

But was it healthy for Corpse to have so much responsibility over a child that wasn't his own? Weston was unsure. She knew he would tell her if it made him uncomfortable; he was honest in that way. But it wasn't always about what made Corpse comfortable. It was about what Killian and Weston could afford to lose if things went sideways.

Something else on her mind was Valentine's Day. It was nearly a week away, and she still had nothing for either of them. She hadn't even talked to Corpse about it yet.

God, she was stressed.

She felt Corpse's firm arms wrap around her waist. He laid his head on her shoulder, kissing her neck gently. "You're stressed," he commented, kissing again.

Weston stepped out of his hold, glancing to the living room. "Where's Killian?"

"Bathroom," he said sweetly, grabbing her hands and pulling her back into his chest. "Don't stress, baby."

"You stress me out," she muttered against his chest, making her words muffled.

"I'm sorry," he said genuinely, kissing the top of her head. They heard the toilet flush, and the sink turn on, separating from each other.

"I wanna ask you about something after we put Killian to bed, okay?" Corpse said, going back to the living room while Weston finished cooking dinner.

She hummed in response, and began making each of them a plate. It was simple chicken, salad, and mashed potatoes.

The three of them ate together, Killian being the main conversation starter. Since they were eating so late, Weston knew Killian would have a lot of energy and need to take a long bath before he settled down for bed. She let him play in the bathtub until the water ran cold, letting him get dressed and come to the living room. Killian wasn't interested in watching movies anymore, really just watching Corpse's friends streams before bed. It had become a habit Corpse had started unintentionally, but it worked. He always fell asleep fast.

Corpse moved him to his bedroom, making sure he flicked the small nightlight on before shutting the door, and going to cuddle Weston on the couch. Usually, they would move to her bed, but neither of them felt up to it tonight, just wanting to squeeze together and talk mindlessly.

        "What did you want to talk about?" Weston asked.

         "Uh..." Corpse was fidgeting with his rings. "You can say no, and I would totally understand. But, um, Rae and Sykkuno wanted to meet Killian this weekend... and they haven't seen what I look like so I was thinking, if like, if you and Killian went with me he would distract them from... from me.." Corpse said nervously. "But I didn't give them an answer. I told them I would ask you, though," he said quickly.

        Weston considered it. They seemed like nice enough people, and with how often Killian talked about them, Weston was sure he would love it.

       "That's fine... you're sure you want me to go?"

        "I wouldn't go if you weren't going."

        "Well I guess, let them know we'll see them Saturday."

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