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They sat on opposing couches, hands nearly twitching with desire.

Weston was trying her best to be responsible, but all she wanted was to kiss him and lay on his hard chest and feel the skin under his shirt. She didn't even want to go further than that. She was touch starved, and with what she knew of him, he wouldn't have a problem solving that.

"I-" Corpse began to speak, but honestly what could he say? He wanted to make out with this girl, this girl who was a fucking mother, who had two jobs, hadn't been in a relationship in five years, and cared too little about herself. But she was fucking beautiful.

"Uh, I, um," Weston casually licked her already red lips. He couldn't stop staring at her. "I think it's time for bed," Weston commented, but she was breathing quite heavily, looking completely blissed out.

"Fuck," Corpse muttered, shaking his head lightly. "Yeah, uh....yeah."

"I'll uh.... I'll take you to my room," he said, standing quickly. Weston followed behind him to his room.

It was as she imagined; black, but still comfortable.

She couldn't even focus on looking around to see anything around her, only able to focus on Corpse and his damn hands as he rearranged the pillows on the bed.

Holy shit, how much longer could she handle this?

"It's not, uh, it's not a lot, but it's mine,"Corpse said casually, still playing with things anxiously.

"It's nice," she said breathlessly.

He looked at her, running his eyes quickly over her body. Shit.

"I'll be on the couch, if you need me," Corpse said, moving to slide past her.

They were close again.

Weston reached out, stopping him, her hand wrapping around his hip.

"Stay," she said impulsively. "We... we're adults. We can, we can control ourselves, right?" Weston assured.

"Yeah, we can."

"I, I'm going to go change," Weston said, going into his bathroom quickly. Holy shit, holy shit.

She changed quickly, regretting packing a mismatched pair of big pajamas. God, didn't she have something more flattering? She couldn't do anything about it now. She tied her hair up into a high ponytail, but took it down again, hating the way it looked. She played with it a little before realizing how ridiculous it seemed for her to care so much. After brushing her teeth quickly, she left the bathroom, seeing Corpse already in bed.

And fucking shirtless.

college starts for me tomorrow, so i posted a short little extra chapter.
i don't want to say when i'll post next because i don't know how busy i'll be tomorrow
but anyways tell me how you're liking what's happening :)

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