DAY (28)

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They had started the day off calmly, eating breakfast together and going to the park close to the complex. It was nice, to be out in the breezy weather, spending time together.

Corpse hadn't mentioned what Westons gift was, but he had hinted a lot about having to go somewhere in the afternoon. She had no idea what was going on, but was excited to finally spend a day outside of the house with her boys.

Around 2, they all got ready, Killian and Weston going to their apartment to get things for their day. Corpse hadn't specified, just advising Killian to have a fully stocked backpack of things, and Weston to pack an overnight bag for herself as well. It was weird, that he had planned something so well, when they had only just started dating officially, but Weston was so grateful.

They piled into Corpse's car, Weston not commenting about his own duffel sitting in the back seat.

"Corpse, if we're going out of town, I have to be back for work tomorrow or-"

"No, you don't have to work on Presidents' day."

She had honestly forgotten. She looked down at her lap shyly. Jeez, maybe she should've done something more for him if he had planned all of this.

As they drove, she tried to imagine what Corpse had planned. She knew it couldn't be anything too extravagant because it was only a single night trip, and Corpse had incredibly anxious about being in public with them. It seemed like they had been in the car for a long time, but she couldn't pinpoint when they left anyway.

Too caught up in her own suspicions, she didn't notice them driving to Rae's house, until they were pulling into the driveway.

"Rae?!" Killian squealed, giggling in excitement at the sight of the Rae standing outside, waving shyly at them.

Weston gave Corpse a look of confusion, but he didn't say anything before he was already getting out of the car, and opening the door for Killian.

Killian ran straight to Rae, hugging her tightly around her legs. "I haven't seen you in forever!" he said dramatically, and immediately began talking about everything he could think of that Rae hadn't heard already. She was laughing along with him, giving him facial expressions of intrigue as he talked.

"We're having a sleepover?" Weston asked, confused, trying to hide the tinge of disappointment she had. Weston just wished she could spend some alone time with Corpse and Killian. She didn't want to compete for attention.

"No...Killian is spending the night with Rae, and we are going to stay at a cabin near Paraside Falls in Thousand Oaks," Corpse said casually, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Corpse, we can't... we can't.."

"No, we can. And you know we can. Weston, baby," he turned to her, stepping closer, and held her face in his hands. "Sometimes, you need to let people do nice things for you. You deserve the world, and I'm trying to give it to you, but, fuck, you have to take it. Killian will be fine. I asked him before I brought him here if it was okay, and he could barely keep it a secret for as long as he has. I know you don't want to feel out of control, but please, for the next two days, just relax." Corpse kissed her nose, cheeks, then lips gently. "I love you," he reminded her, kissing once more.

"I love you too," she said shakily, still in shock that this was happening.

But Corpse was right. She needed a break. Killian would be fine.

Walking to Rae, she was smiling seeing Killian so excited, and it soothed her nerves about this situation. She had never been without Killian, ever. He hadn't slept over at anyone's houses, or anything, in five years. She hadn't been on vacation in five years.

"Hi," Rae smiled sweetly. "You're going to have a great time."

"I hope so," Weston forced a smile. "Sorry, I'm still a little nervous!" She could feel her cheeks becoming more red.

"Killy, come here, while Mommy talks to Rae," Corpse said quickly, making Killian run over.

"You've really done such a great job, Weston," Rae complimented. "He's a nice kid, and I hear from Corpse that he's easy," Rae laughed.

"He is, really. He eats well, sleeps alone, wakes up relatively late, and is okay on his own for the most part," Weston said lovingly. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call," she added, just to put it out there.

"Of course, of course," Rae commented.

Killian joined them again, wanting to go inside and play.

"We can see Mika, but I need to say bye to Mommy first," Killian told Rae matter-of-factly.

Weston bent down to his level, accepting her into his arms. "Be good, baby. Ill miss you," she nearly wanted to cry. He was growing up too fast.

"Ill miss you too Mommy, but Crops said you'll be back tomorrow, and we can snuggle buggle for a long time when we get home." Killian said, hugging her just as tight.

Weston let a single tear fall, wiping it away quickly before Killian saw. "We can, baby. I love you," she kissed his cheek aggressively, making him laugh.

"I love you too!"

Before Killian could be any more sad, Rae took him inside, distracting him with the temptation of the dog he loved. She gave a soft smile and a wave goodbye before Corpse and Weston pulled out from the driveway.

"I told him to make sure to call before he went to bed," Corpse said, after letting Weston sulk in silence for a few minutes.

"He'll be fine," she said, trying to convince herself more than Corpse.

Corpse rubbed her thighs with his fingers gently, trying to soothe her motherly nerves. "You're right," he replied.

The drive was slightly less than an hour. They talked about Corpse's plans for the next month, and how busy he was getting mostly. It worried Weston to think that one day he would be bigger than she could handle, and too busy to focus on the small family they inevitably had. She tried not to think about it that way, though, instead opting to be proud instead of selfish.

Pulling into the lodge, Weston was pleased to see a small amount of cars in the parking lot, and plenty of open space. The less people they saw, the better.

Checking in quickly, Weston realized something as they walked to their lodge, her bag heavy in her palm. She would be alone with Corpse, without Killian, sharing a bed and a bathroom. 

All night long.

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