Don't stop me now

Começar do início

Perfect. I begin to roll a joint.

"Already? At 9am?" Amos jeers.

I begin to hold the air like a microphone and lip sync the lyrics, flailing around wildly.

"Shut up, Diggy. You can't disrespect the birthday girl." I say, wiggling my shoulders.

He shakes his head and smiles, "You are such a—"

I stop him there, "Beautiful, amazing, brilliant, skilled and funny witch?"

In that moment I feel how I did before the attack. Not happy but hopeful and excited at the very least.
Hopeful for the future. Excited for having real fun.


"I don't know about this, Iris..." I say, looking at myself in the mirror yet again.

Iris has dressed me in a very form fitting black, satin dress and done my eye makeup way smokier than normal. My wild waves have been charmed pin straight.

"You look hot, shut up."

Turning to the side, I see my usually flat arse has a bit of shape to it in this dress. "Yeah okay, I guess this works." I smile.

"Got your eye on anyone for tonight?" Iris asks putting in a pair of gold earrings.

Immediately, images of my werewolf mentor who seems to be pining over another man pop into my head.

"Hmmmm, no." I reply, "What about you?"

Her smile widens, "Tonight i'm gonna tell Amos how I feel."

I do my best to mask my shock, "O-oh!"

"What? Do you think it's a bad idea?" She panics.

I don't know. Do I?

"I think you should be careful and make sure neither of you are drunk for the conversation."

It's the most honest answer I can give her at the moment.

"Now come on," I offer her my hand, "We have a party to attend.

She rolls her eyes playfully and takes my hand as we head out the dorms to the room of requirement.


The room has been transformed into almost a nightclub looking scene with silver, white and navy blue balloons, loads of alcohol sitting on a bar in the corner of a room and music plays from large speakers charmed to float high in the air.

Many people from all houses are already here, smoking, drinking, dancing.

I make a beeline straight for the bar leaving Iris to converse with Leonard Jordan from Gryffindor.

I mix orange juice and about six shots worth of vodka in a red solo cup and take a few large gulps.

"Erm, Excuse me?" A soft voice beckons.

I turn around, drink dripping down my chin, "Hmm?"

I nearly do a double take at the sight of my cousin. She hasn't attended any of my birthday party's since our falling out.

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora