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//Clay POV

A little while later, Clay goes to check on George. He opens the door slightly, just to peek, trying not to disturb him. George is still passed out comfortably, in a slightly different position than he was in a bit ago. He closes his door and heads over to Sapnap. He's already finished unpacking George's clothes for him.

He knocks on Sapnap's door, where Sapnap responds, "Come in!"

He opens the door to find Sapnap with all the lights off, playing CS:GO on his computer. He's also got a mountain of orange peels next to his elbow.

"Sapnap, why are you eating all my oranges," Clay jokes, going to take the pile of peels from him.

Sapnap pops another small slice of an orange into his mouth. "They are addictive, bro. I swear I can't stop. Sorry."

"No, no I don't mind at all! It's just funny to me. I'll buy more for you soon."

Sapnap smiles, briefly looking at Clay for a moment before returning to his game. He dies, and pauses it.

He pops another orange slice into his mouth. "Where's George?"


"How long has he been sleeping?"

"Like, over 5 hours I think. I don't know. I unpacked his clothes while he was asleep."

Sapnap laughs. "Simp." Clay laughs too, but he doesn't deny it.

"Yeah, well he's in my room, too. Hey, pass me a slice."

Sapnap hands him an orange slice. "Even more simp-like. Hey, want to play with me?"

"No thanks, I'm probably gonna go do something in my room maybe. I don't know. Thanks though. Do you want more oranges?"

Sapnap smiles wholeheartedly and shakes his head. "I'm good, Dream. Thanks though."

"No worries. I will be taking this pile, though."

"Thanks man."

Clay takes them, shuts the door behind them, and tosses them away. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his bedroom door cracked open a bit.

He goes over to investigate. Peeking through his door, he notices a small ball of fur near George's feet. Patches. He hasn't seen her since they got home, but now she's curled up next to George. God, Clay is so soft for her. For both of them. If anyone saw him like this, the look on his face would be embarrassing. Melting at the sight of his pet and his crush on the same bed. How he wishes he could wake up to this every day, how he could have this all the time. But he can't, and the small hole in his heart opens again. He sighs and goes into the room, shutting the door behind him.

He sits at his chair, thinking of things to do to pass time. His chair was beanbag like, but it was huge, and he had a blanket with him. He curled up, laying on his side, putting his AirPods in his ears. He scrolls through Youtube, but nothing strikes him. He then lands upon Spotify, but doesn't know what to listen to.

He scrolls for playlists. He doesn't find anything he likes. He tries to think.

Eventually, he comes up with the idea to listen to one of George's playlists. He finds one to listen to, and puts it on shuffle, not looking at the playlist songs.

The music starts in his ears, with piano and other noises. It sounds like magic already.

Damn, you look so good

Laying there wearing nothing but my t-shirt

Your body's a neighborhood

Wanna drive my lips all around it

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