3 days

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clay pov//

*in a vc with george and sapnap*

"Three days. Oh my god it literally just... hit me all at once. Can we pause the game?" Clay asks, stopping his character. They weren't recording anything, just playing around on their server with just the three of them.

"Yeah, sure, of course," George says with a soft underlying tone in his voice. Please, George.

"That's so crazy," Sapnap says. "I can't wait to meet you George, genuinely. It's gonna be so much fun I can already tell."

"Yeah!! Me too and I agree, Sapnap. Hey Dream, do you have any plans for us yet?"

Clay loved it when George called him Dream. It just felt different out of George's mouth. "No, not really yet," Clay says, voice shaking a little. "I've been cleaning and stuff, though." He runs a hand through his hair. "You guys will have to tell me what you guys wanna do when you get here, though. I live here so I wouldn't really know what's super exciting."

"Okay, that's fine," George says.

"Yeah," Sapnap says in agreement.

"Have you guys started packing yet? Especially since you'll be here for a long time," Clay asks them, folding and unfolding the drawstrings of his sweatpants.

"Sort of. Not really though," Sapnap says. "Actually no, not at all now that I think about it. I better go start my laundry, actually. Be right back." Sapnap says, and mutes in the call.

"Okay. George? What about you?" Clay asks. We're alone....

"Yeah, a little bit. Not a lot so far. I just finished my laundry, actually." George says, and laughs a little bit. His accent when he says "actually"— Clay almost chokes on his own breath.

"Oh. Cool," Clay says, and the call falls silent for a little bit.

Clay swears the atmosphere changes. Usually they're all hyper together, but Clay notices that when it's just him and George, they're more mellow together. More subtle.

"George, what color are your eyes?"

George giggles a little. God damnit, George. "Uh, blue, I think. It's hard to see since I'm colorblind, and I can't really tell. But I think it's blue. One of the only colors I can see."

Clay smiles to himself, making no noise. "Cool. That's so-" Pretty. Clay chokes a little. "Uh- um, cool."

George laughs to himself. Clay can almost hear him roll his eyes. "Why do you ask?"

"I- uhm, can never really tell. Over streams, I mean," Clay stutters.

"Oh, okay. What color are yours, if you're so nosy?"

"Nosy? Come on now."

"Tell me, Dream." Clay chokes a little. Good God, George. What's wrong with me.

"Uh, they're green, ish. I don't really know for sure. Sapnap could tell you."

"Damn, so I cant really see them then."

"Oh, I guess not."

The call goes silent until Sapnap unmutes.

"Hey guys, I'm back! What's up, what'd I miss?"

"What color are Clay's eyes, Sapnap?" George asks.

"Uh, like, a green-ish color? I think, I can't really remember," Sapnap responds, chewing on something.

"Ew, Sapnap, what are you eating!?" George's response is lined with disgust.

"Ramen," Sapnap says, between chews.

"Ew. Mute when you're eating please, that's disgusting."

"No, it's free ASMR," Sapnap says with his mouth full, and you can almost hear his smile through the call.

"Almost all ASMR is free, Sapnap. Mute please."

"No. I'm hungry and too lazy." Sapnap chews more loudly and aggressively.

"Sapnap!" Clay exclaims, laughing.

"EWWWWUHH," George exclaims in his whiny voice. Oh, George.

"I gotta go feed patches, so I'm leaving you guys. You should probably start packing soon. Don't annoy George too much, Sapnap."

"Okay simp. See you, Clay."

George scoffs. "Bye Dream!"

Clay chuckles, exiting the call.

3 days.

What was he gonna do.

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