Sapnap's Gate

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clay pov//

They both sit on the bench, eating their fries from a shared large container. They bought an extra for the three of them to share when Sapnap came.

As if on que, a familiar voice rang through the high-ceilinged airport.

"WHATS UP BITCHES!!!!" Sapnap yelled as he ran with his suitcase and backpack.

"SAPNAP!!" Clay and George yelled back at the same time.

Sapnap hugged George first, patting his back. They connected perfectly, and the hug was tender. Next, he hugged Clay, which was more of a half hug. Clay was a touchy person, but he was awkward with his best friends. It had surprised him how easy it was to hug George.

George clearly had an effect on people that was different like no other.

They caught up for a bit, telling funny stories of the plane, walking to Clay's car.

"Man, there was this baby behind me. He was so fucking loud it was so ANNOYING," Sapnap whined. "He literally would not put a plug in it. I almost turned around and smacked him."

George laughed wholeheartedly. "I'm sure you almost did, Sapnap."

"No lie!!" Sapnap says, huffing.

"Okay, okay, Sapnap," Clay says. "Oh, hey, how long was your guys' flights?"

"Too long. I don't even remember," George says, tiredness slamming into his voice.

"Mine wasn't too bad, I guess. I hate planes though so uh, not too great."

"Are you afraid of heights?" George asks, a teasing tone jumping in.

"A little," Sapnap replies, clearly slightly annoyed. He's smiling though, and so is George.

"I see..." George says. His different inflection catches Clay by surprise and his heart flutters. He admits within himself that this trip is going to be hard for him.

"Fuck you, George," Sapnap says and giggles a little. They all smile, walking at a matching pace. Clay doesn't even realize himself trying to match George's steps. He stops himself after 5 minutes of not even realizing. What's wrong with me?!

Once they reach the car, they all pile in. George sits in the front seat and claims it's because he's the oldest. Sapnap scoffs at this and grudgingly takes the backseat, being all pouty.

They all talk about random things, a comfortable atmosphere laying in the air. Clay feels safe here, in the presence of his best friends. Most of all, his undying crush is sitting right next to him. Then it hits him again, and starts to bounce his knee to channel the feeling. George's presence radiates into the air and lands on Clay's face, heat sitting on his cheeks and nose.

He looks in the rear view mirror and sees Sapnap giving him an odd, subtle look. Clay shakes his head in response and Sapnap shrugs. Without context, they can communicate. His face is bright red when he sees his reflection.

George is talking, and so is Sapnap, but Clay can't hear. He pretends to be focused on the road when George starts to say Dream.

"Dream? Dreaaaam??" George asks, looking over at Clay.

Clay glances between the road and George, pretending to be focused. But something about George's face catches him, and he gazed at George, his attention now completely faltered from the road.

"Yes? Sorry, I was focused on the road."

"Oh okay. Anyways, look at this picture I took with this random guy. He was dressed up like Jesus? I think? I don't know. It was literally hilarious and I'll probably post it on insta later maybe. I literally was about to get on the plane when..."

George keeps talking, and Clay takes the phone to get a better look. George's voice fades out as Clay observes the photo. The man dressed like Jesus certainly catches his eye, but only for a moment. George's eyes. He gets lost in them, even if they're in a picture. They're so blue, Clay's never noticed before. On stream, they look dull. They're so vibrant. It almost pains Clay, how perfect they are. How beautiful they are. He looks up from the image, to look at George. He's still talking.

His eyes are so blue. They stand out so much. How did he not notice before? He must have been too caught up in his own mind.

Their voices slowly start fading back into hearing range. George is still talking, looking at Clay, but Sapnap is shouting.


Clay looks up immediately. He swerves the car, just to miss accidentally plowing into the other lane. He had started to turn left while he was in his trance, but he has just managed to snap out of it with Sapnaps shouting.

George is breathing heavily. So, so heavily, with a hand on his heart. He leans back into the chair, bumping against it.

"Oh my god," George keeps saying to himself quietly.

"Oh my god, Dream," Sapnap says, voice low.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Clay says quietly. He puts the phone down and George doesn't reach for it. He puts both his hands on the wheel and faces completely forward, proving himself to his friends... that he knows how to drive. "I got distracted," he adds, even more quiet.

"I'm not mad. Just... be careful, please," Sapnap says, a sigh in his voice.

George is still frozen still.

"It's okay, George. I'm driving now, I'm not distracted, it's okay. It's alright," Clay says, reaching over to run George's arm.

George breathes out slowly. He takes some deep breaths, and then pats a hand on Clay's. Clay's heart bursts subtly at the simple touch from George. What it takes to make him go crazy... it's not a lot.

Sapnap tries to start conversation to lighten the tone, and naturally, it works, of course. Sapnap always fixes the mood naturally. Something about his presence makes everything feel a little better than it actually was.

Clay keeps one arm rested on the middle console, and George's arm sometimes brushes his. It sparks joy in Clay, without even really trying to. It was almost embarrassing how easy it was to fluster Clay when it came to George.

George and his blue eyes.

Clay sighed as George and Sapnap bickered over liking pickles. How was he going to do this?

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