Chapter 5: Hyuga

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After the touching (as far as Uchihas are capable of) reunion, Sarada wanted to spend the rest of the day with her family and so the others left them alone to bond. 

Boruto and Mitsuki, together with Kushina and Minato, went along the busy streets of Konoha. Minato had to go to his office though, there was still a mountain-load of paper work that he needed to conquer. They dropped him off and at Boruto's request, went to the top of the Hokage Monument.

Boruto stretched his arms and looked at the view of the village. "Man, I'm still not used to just having four heads in this monument."

"It does feel weird since we're so used to hanging out near the Seventh's head," Mitsuki added.

"Who's the current Hokage in your time?" Kushina asked.

"Oh, it's the Seventh, my dad," Boruto said with a hint of pride. "I think I mentioned it before."

"Huh? Oh, right, I guess I forgot since I had a young child to cheer up," she smirked but secretly, she was proud of her son. Yep, it seems like he took after his father in that aspect.

"Speaking of which, how about that match you promised? You can join us if you want Mitsuki, dattebasa."

"Yeah, I'd like to see both of your skills, dattebane!"

And so, the three of them sparred for a while and Kushina must say, these kids were good. Just them being able to keep up with her is a feat in and of itself. But then again, she was being careful, even if it's just been a few weeks, she was still pregnant so she wasn't going all out on them. Still, Minato would be worried out of his mind if he found out she was sparring.

They lasted for a few more hours and the destruction around them was evident. It was a wonder nobody noticed with all the noise. The Kunoichi laughed, oh she hadn't had this much fun for a while now.

They stopped after some time and all were breathless. 

"That. Was. Awesome, dattebasa!"

"You two were awesome too, dattebane!" Kushina exclaimed. "I can see your teamwork was on point, it was pretty synced."

Mitsuki acknowledged the compliment with a nod while Boruto did it with his usual loudness as he recounted all the training he and his friends did.


After training, they took a stop at Ichiraku's ramen stand. Although Boruto always preferred burgers more, he can't deny that the ramen was still so delicious. No wonder his dad loved it with a passion. They ate and ate several bowls at once, or at least Kushina did, anyways until Mitsuki spotted something in the distance and tugged Boruto's sleeve.

"What is it, Mitsuki?" he said with his mouth still full. The snake boy pointed out in a direction and Boruto followed it until he spotted someone, his eyes widened and then he stopped eating. "Granny Kushina?" he turned to her.

The kunoichi looked from her bowl and raised a brow as she continued to stuff her face with ramen. "Hm?"

"I think I remembered some people I also want to see in this timeline."


His gaze wandered back to the people in the market place. It was lucky that their pearl white eyes haven't met his yet. "The Hyuga."


"I still can't believe my son got together with a member from that self-important family, well mostly self-important," Kushina said as they walked towards the compound.

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