Videl Satan (Spankee)

Start from the beginning

Videl looked a bit shocked at this. She hadn't meant to hurt you, but she had the heart of a warrior and a hero, too. She couldn't simply let it slide because she hurt your feelings, even if she did have a crush on you. "Well, I can't believe you think I should stay on the sidelines! I'm better than that, Y/N! I thought you were, too!" She snapped, stomping towards the door.

"Oh, no you don't! You crossed a line!" You snapped, grabbing her, pulling her back to the bed, sitting down and taking her over your lap. You then took off her boots and pulled her shorts off, grabbing her undies and yanking them over her head in one pull.

"Aah! Y/N! What are you doing?! This isn't high school anymore!" Videl cried out.

"Really?! Then why are you acting like it! Heck you're acting Goten and Trunks' age! Maybe I should do to you what their mom's do to them!" You declared, bringing a hand down hard on the center of her butt.


"Oww! Y/N! Knock it off! I've never gotten spanked before!" Videl cried out.

"Well, maybe that's why you're such a brat! No one's ever adjusted your attitude before! Then I'll just have to be sure to do it myself!" You declared, delivering a solid spank to each cheek.



"Eep! Y/N! Stop it! This stings really bad!" Videl cried, kicking wildly and even trying to fly away, but you yanked her back by her panties, which you then secured over her nose.

"Well, I'm sure it would have stung a lot worse if you were put in the hospital because of that creep! And what if he had killed you instead of simply knocking you out!? Think about how your father would've felt! How I would've felt!"  You snapped, striking her sit spots now, hitting each one twice in a row.





"You're the most important person in my life, Videl! I can't lose you like that!" You told her weepily.

She was shocked at this, but was still insistant. "Y-you could've used the Dragon Balls to bring me back!" She insisted.

 "Yeah, but we shouldn't be relying on the Dragon Balls to save us every time!" You snapped, rapidly alternating cheeks now to deliver a swift 10 more smacks.






"Aaah! Y/N! No! Stop this! I would've rushed in to save you if you were in danger! Are you saying I can't just because you're stronger!?" Videl demanded.

"It's not about strength, Videl, it's about going into a fight where you're completely outmatched!" You told her.

"I thought we were a team, Y/N! Together, we could beat anyone!" Videl snapped.

"Videl, we're both incredible fighters, but there's always gonna be someone stronger than us! Some people need to be dealt with in a group. Maybe if we'd all taken that guy on, we'd have won, but going in on or two, even three at a time wouldn't have done us any good." You told her.

"As long as it's you and me, we can deal with anything!" She said.

You sighed at this. "I guess I'm really going to have to drive this point home." You declared, grabbling her undies again and ripping them off in one massive pull, before surrounding your hand with ki, delivering a few final, extra powerful swats.








"AAAAAHHHH! Y/N! Please, no more! It hurts so bad! I'm sorry! I should've known you're strong because you work hard and train hard like I do! And I should never have said bad things about your parents! I won't ever do it again! I'm so sorry!" Videl cried, reaching back to cover her butt and even trying to fly away, almost taking you with her if you hadn't regained control so fast.

"I understand you're upset, Videl. I know what it's liked to be sidelined, too. Vegeta and those other Saiyans are just on a whole other level. But a lot of the time, so are the enemies they fight. A warrior should always be ready for a fight, but they should also know when they're outmatched and can't win a fight." You told her.

"I know. I'm sorry! I'll do better!" She cried out.

"I know you will. Because I'll be there to help you every step of the way." You told her, letting her up, before the two of you hugged.

She then thought of something and smirked. "You know... spankings could actually be a great workout for us. It'd be durability and endurance training for the one getting spanked and strength training for the spanker." She suggested.

You rolled your eyes at this, but smirked. "Oh, yeah. We'll be the girls with the strongest butts in the universe." You said.

Videl pouted at you teasing her and making fun of her idea. "Well, it sounds like someone's ready to be on the other side of that training right now!" She declared, lunging for you.

"Eek!" You squealed, dodging her lunge, before laughing  and flying off through the nearby window. Videl giggled as well, putting on some new panties and shorts, then flying after you.

Request for DarkChild1996. If you have a request, feel free to leave a comment on who you'd like to spank or be spanked by.

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