Cassidy grins and laughs. "It would yeah. Unless you burn it in your skin, like literally burn it."

"Wow." Tessa looks at one of Cassidy's tattoos, three roses wrapping around her left bicep. "That sounds painful."

"It is." She nods, but the smile on her face shows how little she cares about the pain. "But it is so worth it."

A thought dawns on Tessa making her groan. "Oh, fuck I'm gonna have to do that now too."

"You heal?" Hazel eyes widen in shock.

"Yup." Tessa nods. "You got napkins in here or something?"

Cassidy gestures towards the glove box, where Tessa finds a mixture of napkins and period supplies. "Always be prepared, why?"

Tessa holds up a finger, signaling for Cassidy to just wait and see. She pulls the small knife from her waistband, and with no hesitation makes a cut in her arm.

"What the hell?" Cassidy throws Tessa the napkins. "No blood in my jeep."

"Just look." Tessa shows her friend the recently healed arm, where only past scars and freckles decorate, no sign of the recent injury. "I heal a bit quicker than humans, nowhere near as quick as were-creatures. Any supernatural injury will heal at human pace, if not slower. So, any tattoo I get, at least the way I'm thinking about it, will heal after I get it, just slower."

"That's cool." Cassidy pulls into the driveway. "My new one is on my back, am I okay to show you?"

"Please do." Tessa summons a smile to show her friend some support, just because Danny isn't here doesn't mean Cassidy deserves Tessa's negativity. Sadly, though her friend probably wouldn't be too surprised.

Cassidy twists in her seat and pulls her grey shirt up, revealing dark ink between her shoulder blades. "On the plus side, the recovery is much quicker."

The design itself is beautiful, but the contrast between Cassidy's skin, and the dark, intricate lines of the butterfly is gorgeous.

"That is beautiful." Tessa can feel her phone buzzing in her pocket, probably her dad reminding her of the curfew. "I should probably head inside, yeah?"

"Yup..." Cassidy's thumbs resume their beat, and she gets a thoughtful look in her eye. "So... Danny? What he said isn't good Tess."

"I know." Tessa sighs. "I don't know how to make him understand what he means to me, to us, to everyone. We all love him. He is such a staple in our lives, hell my dad would adopt him given the chance."

"He would." She nods in agreement. "I'm going to head home. But if there is anyone that could make him understand, it's you."


"Hey dad!" Tessa plants a kiss on her father's cheek, before crouching to meet Rose.

"Hey." The older man pulls his glasses off and wipes at his eyes. "Getting kind of close to the curfew there Tess."

"I know Dad." She pulls away from her dog to look up at him. "Cass and I had some things to talk about."

Noah nods with a knowing look in his eye. "Danny?" Tessa doesn't do much besides nod, and even then, is causes a sad smile. "Yeah, I noticed he was a little off. Maybe you should invite him over again."

Tessa takes a moment to look at her father before speaking again, he looks tired to say the least. There is a unique frustration about him that could've only been put there by one person. "Maybe. Where is Stiles?" Five minutes ago, she would've jumped at the chance of Danny being back here, but her brother should've been home long ago. "We're officially past the curfew. And to the best of my knowledge, he didn't have plans."

Sorcière Lunair [A Teen Wolf FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now