Ran said as she admires the table full of food and desserts. She then asks to Moriya-san.

Moriya : Of course! It's customary to serve homemade food at tea parties. Please help yourself.

Moriya-san offered. Ran then take a cookie and eat it. Moriya-san come up behind her.

Ran : Ittadakimasu!

Moriya : How is it?

Ran : This cookie is delicious!

Moriya : Ah, I'm glad. Then it was worth the time that I spent making it last night.

Someone in the crowd here what Moriya-san said and start to compliment him. People then start crowding around him.

Woman 1 : Ah, sensei! Did you prepare the food yourself?

Moriya : Yes. After all, I am a bachelor. I made everything here: the scones, the sandwiches, the cookies. I'm not satisfied unless I do everything myself.

Man 1 : I see.... That spirit is what created your beautiful architecture.

Moriya : I won't acknowledge architecture unless it is beautiful. Many young architects these days have lost their artistic touch! They must take responsibility for their own work! Hah, by the way, Mouri-san, would you mind if I give you a quiz?

Moriya-san said as he ignores or are oblivious to the stare he gets from the guests. He turns to Oji-san and said that he has a quiz to Oji-san which make me worried inside.

Kogorou : A quiz?

Moriya : Yes, it's to deduce the computer password of a company run by three men. A famous detective such as you should be able to figure it out instantly.

Man 2 : It's the famous detective, Mouri Kogorou.

Kogorou : All right. Go right ahead.

Me and Conan just look at him helplessly and wishing him good luck inside. Moriya-san reach out inside his suit then take out a piece of paper.

Moriya : Well then, this is the data on the three men. The password is five hiragana characters long and has to do with something with the three men have in common. Would you also like to try it, Ran-san?

Moriya-san then give a piece to Ran and everyone else. I went up to Moriya-san and ask for a piece too.

Erena : Can I have one too, Oji-san?

Moriya : Oh, you want to have a try too? Sure. Here you go little girl.

He then gives me one and Conan come to me to look at the quiz too. I've given it a thought that I shouldn't ignore him even if I want to. He would eventually bug me the whole time to tell him if anything is wrong. He can really be persistent sometime. Plus, Ran like him and him liking Ran back have nothing to do with me. we can't control people feeling.

Moriya : The time limit is three minutes. Please try it, everyone.

[This is what the quiz says :

Oyamada Chikara(A type). Born October Shouwa 31. Hobby, visiting hot springs.

Soratobi Sasuke(B type). Born June Shouwa 32. Hobby, hang-gliding.

Kokohori Futatsu(O type). Born January Shouwa 33. Hobby, taking walks.]

*Note : Shouwa 31 = Year 1956, Shouwa 32 = Yyear 1957, Shouwa 33 = Year 1958

Moriya-san then take out a small hourglass which I guess is a three-minute hourglass and put it on the table. He then turns the hourglass.

Moriya : Okay, start!

Detective Conan : The Time-Bombed Skyscraper X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora