not Icarus

20 1 0

Postponed back from numbers years ago
This story is not mine but perhaps it's colliding with what is about to be

Never was told this is coming

Perhaps I should fly away before my wings get all dried
I am not Icarus and I need something better to plan

Ain't sitting here just to wait for the last train 
I want to go somewhere where it rains 
Just so I can see the rainbow and belong somewhere where the story is not about to interfere with mine

There is no business located here

Never asked for wax to be shipped
And now I want to throw it all away in the sea

A weak ghost attempting to cast a shadow between trees and peace
Is the one that will hover back to the darkness
So dense that it can't open its eyes

I will walk by foot to give the candles in the shade you are exactly hiding That way you can use light and move on to something worth trying

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