chapter 12

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set in 9x23/24

Meredith gasped as she felt water running down her legs. She was shocked, she couldn't believe it. Her water broke, she was having her baby. Her and Derek's baby. A baby they made. Out of love. "What? Meredith, what is it?" Derek asked as he made his way in front of her, worried it had something to do with the baby. He grabbed her arm as he asked, "You okay?" Meredith looked up at him, smiling. "Yeah. Yeah. My water just broke." She couldn't help the big smile that came across her face. Derek widened his eyes for a moment. "What?" He looked down towards her stomach, seeing her scrubs darken. His mouth turned into an 'O' shape and quickly regained his composure. "Okay." He said, as he looked his her eyes. "Okay." Meredith responded. She squealed as Derek helped her sit down on the couch behind her.

She made a face as he looked at her. Derek tilted his head. "Mer, don't worry. You're fine." Meredith quickly turned angry, "Fine? Fine? I am not fine Derek! I have having a baby during a storm. A storm which is injuring many people. People who need help. People who need surgery. And I am having a baby-". Meredith's ramble quickly got cut off by Derek's lips. He knew this was a way to calm her down. Meredith took a deep breath as Derek looked at her. Derek smiled at her, giving her leg a squeeze. "Thank you." she said, right before a contraction hit. Derek looked at her. "Okay we need to get you into a gown and into a bed." Meredith quickly nodded. Derek went to a closet to grab a gown as he paged Dr. Connie. He came back to Meredith having another contraction. "I'm here, Mer. I'm here." As he said this, he gripped Meredith hand. She nodded in response and reached for the gown. Derek helped her out of her scrubs and into the gown. He went to a nurse station close by to check Meredith in.

A nurse helped them into a room, placed an IV and also paged Dr. Connie. "Can you page Cristina? I want her here too." Meredith asked as she looked up to Derek. He smiled, "Sure." He kissed her as Meredith smiled. As Derek paged Cristina, Meredith's contractions got worse. "Derek!" She yelled, as she leaned forward in pain. Derek put his pager down as Meredith sat on the edge of the bed. Meredith grabbed his hand, squeezing it as hard as she could. "Do you want to stand? I can massage your tailbone to relive some pain?" Derek asked, trying to make this moment less painful. Considering the situation, everything will be painful.

Meredith stood as best as she could, considering the pain, and leaned over the bed. She felt Derek rub circles in her tailbone. She groaned as Cristina came into the room. As they talked, Derek thought about Dr. Connie. "Alright, I'm going to check on Connie. See what's taking her so long." He said. As he was going to back away from her, Meredith contracted, "Oh, she's with other laboring moms right now. She's busy." Cristina tried to help by getting her to take deep breaths. Derek frowned behind her, "You're the only one I care about. The rest can wait." He looked at Cristina and went out of the room.

He asked a nurse where Dr. Connie was, and pointed to the left hallway, saying she was with a patient. He tried to signal her by paging her. Which prompted Connie to become startled. She looked towards the door and saw him. She excused herself as she quickly opened their door. "Dr. Shepherd, I understand your wife is contracting. You have paged me several times. Please go back to her, and I will be there shortly." She closed the door and shut the blinds. Derek rolled his eyes and made his way to Meredith's room. As he walked in, Cristina was helping Meredith lay down, propping her legs. A nurse came in as Derek stood by Meredith's side.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Dr. Connie said while she walked in with a tablet. Derek rubbed Meredith's shoulder as he said, "Her contractions are every 3 minutes." This caused Cristina to share what she felt and began arguing with Derek. As they bickered, Meredith couldn't bear their voices. "Okay, can everybody just please, shut up. I wanna push, I feel like I need to push, can I push?" Meredith said, making everyone silent. Dr. Connie quickly checked to make sure everything was alright. "Alright Meredith. Get ready to push." Meredith sighed with relief, grabbing Derek's hand. As Connie and the hospital staff got ready, Derek placed a kiss on Meredith's forehead. She looked up at him, letting go of Cristina's hand, and using that hand to lean Derek's head to her lips. She needed to feel him, to make sure this was really happening. 

"We're having a baby, Der." Meredith said, a little concern showing on her face, but a big smile too. Derek gave her a smile as well and leaned his forehead onto hers, "Yes, we are." Connie then asked Meredith to begin getting ready. "Meredith, I need you to push when I say so, okay?" Meredith nodded. The first push wasn't that hard, but it did take a great amount of work. Meredith pushing and pushing, until it felt like her head was going to explode. "Derek, I can't. I can't do it anymore." Meredith said, as sweat dripped from her forehead and she began crying. Derek looked at her, in pain as his wife was in pain. "Yes you can, Mer. You can do it. Just push." He said, rubbing circles on her back. Meredith only whimpered more, "I can't. I can't do it." She cried, not being able to move. Derek couldn't think of anything, looking across at Cristina, looking for some support. Cristina looked at him, sympathetically and nodded her head. 

Derek then did the only thing he could think of. One of the things Meredith liked the most was Derek's arms around her, she always said she felt safe in his arms. "Leaned forward a little, for me." He said, as he began to get ready to hug her. Meredith leaned froward, taking deep breaths as she felt Derek get into the bed with her. "What are you doing, Derek?" She whined, not wanting to be bothered. As he sits gets comfortable, he whispers into her ear, "I'm right here. We are going to do this together, dear." Meredith smiles weakly, but nods. "Come on, Meredith. Push." She heard Connie say. As Meredith pushed, Derek kept encouraging her, saying the sweetest of things. It made her keep going. Soon, the only voice she heard was Connie. "And he's out." Meredith heard this, and immediately looked towards her son. "He's not crying? Why isn't he crying?" She began to worry, and looked to Derek. Derek went to move but was stopped by Meredith. 

"No Derek, stay. Cristina." Cristina nodded and let go of her hand to check on the baby. Derek sighed and pressed a kiss to his wife's neck. Meredith leaned her head onto his shoulder for a second, until she heard a loud cry. She looked to see her son opening his eyes. Meredith cries as her son is placed in her arms. Derek behind her, teared up. This was their son. A beautiful, healthy boy. Cristina made her way towards them but was stopped by a nurse. Under her breath she said, "Leave them be. Let them bond." Cristina nodded, looking at the parents welcoming their second baby. "Hi, baby boy." Meredith said, in a high pitch voice. She turned her head to Derek, smiling her biggest smile he has ever seen. Derek kissed her cheek and held their baby. 

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