Chapter 1 Pt 6- The trial continues

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Akaashi: I guess we won't really get anywhere continuing like this. We still need to consider other options.

Osamu: ...

Ushijima: Osamu you have been very quiet

Kuroo: yeah, care to share??

Osamu: well umm...

Atsumu: oh just spit it out already!

Osamu: I saw who locked the door last night...

Y/n:(what...did he really see!)

Bokuto: but why'd you only wait till now to tell us??

Osamu: well I mean... It's rude to speak Ill of the dead

Daishou: you don't mean...!

Osamu: Hinata Locked the door... Then made his way to the kitchen

Y/n: but... Why would he do that..?

Aone: ...

Futakuchi: he's saying how maybe Hinata didn't know Tendou was in there

Tendou: I left the door open, I doubt he wouldn't of seen me

Kenma: so... Should purposely locked Tendou in there? Why would he do that...?

Atsumu: hmm, now this is getting exciting!

Iwaizumi: what the hell are you talking about?!

Atsumu: how's bout we consider it from a different perspective. What if Sho was planning to murder?


Atsumu: what if the person in that note generally just wanted to chat? But Sho decide he wanted to get out??


Atsumu: and what proof do you have?

Kageyama: proof? JUST LOOK AT HINATA! He wouldn't hurt a fly!

Atsumu: I guess you could be right, however a lot comes together if we consider it true.

Atsumu: maybe it went down like this, Whilst our culprit had their back turned Sho grabbed the knife and attempted to sneak up on them. However they noticed him and move out of the way. Thus causing Sho to bash his head on the sink. After that the culprit and Sho struggled, causing the glass the culprit had made for Sho to fall onto the ground.

Y/n:you can't be serious...

Atsumu: sadly it's a possibility~ sorry did I upset you?~

Atsumu: this is a game of lies you know, you can't trust anybody~ not even your own friend.~


Kenma: (y/n)...

Y/n: alibis...

Kenma: eh?

Y/n: I want to go over every bodies alibis for last night, along with when you last saw Shoyo

Y/n:(if Atsumu is really right. And I can't trust anybody. Then I have to reevaluate what I have, find the lie)

Scrum debate-

Futakuchi: when was the last time I saw shrimpy...

Futakuchi: it was probably during the meeting

Oikawa: me, Futakuchi and Aone were also together afterwards for a little while

Iwaizumi: I had gone to my room early last night

Iwaizumi: but now that you mention it when I tried to talk to him after

Y/n: hold that thought!!!

Iwaizumi: hmm?

Y/n: you were just saying that you saw him after the meeting correct?

Iwaizumi: uhh yeah wh-GH

Y/n: but earlier you told me you hadn't seen him since!

Oikawa: Iwa-chan...?

Iwaizumi: well I mean, that doesn't really pin me as the killer now does it?

Iwaizumi: can you get me some better proof?

Iwaizumi: stupid! Why would I be the killer?! I don't even have a grudge against the 1st year! If you really want to pin me! Then show me some real proof!!

Y/n:I may actually have something!

Iwaizumi: huh...

Y/n: Oikawa

Oikawa: eh... Umm yeah

Y/n: you haven't seen it yet right? Take a look at the hand writing, familiar?

Iwaizumi: wait oikawa!

Oikawa: I...

Y/n:I know he's your best friend

Oikawa: ...

Y/n:but if you don't do this... Then everyone here will die... We need to know Oikawa... Does the handwriting mat-

Oikawa: YES OK?!


Iwaizumi: ...

Oikawa: ...

Iwaizumi: heh... Guess I lost then...


Iwaizumi: don't apologise. It was my stupid mistake in the first place...

Oikawa: ik still not convinced!

Y/n:then I'll run over the case one more time. Let me know when your convinced Oikawa...

Oikawa: ... Ok...

Last night, after we had all met up in the cafeteria, the culprit in this case went to their room early.
However on the way there, they passed by Shoyo, the victim in this case. And despite being able to cover it up, you could tell he wasnt doing very good. So our culprit decided to try and help him. He wrote a letter to meet him in the kitchen, placed it under his door, and made his way to the meeting place. Shoyo got the letter, and instead of going for the intended purpose, he went with the intention to kill. Shoyo met the culprit in the kitchen, not before seeing Tendou and locking the door to the cafeteria,where the culprit offered to get him a drink. Shoyo accepted and whilst the culprits back was turned, he grabbed the knife from the rack and attempted to attack them. However our culprit dodged just in time, causing Shoyo to bump into the counter, leaving a blood stain. At that point, the killer and Shoyo were struggling with eachother, where they knocked over the glass of water the culprit made. In all the rush, the culprit ended up accidentally stabbing Shoyo. In an attempt to hide the crime he stuffed Shoyos body into one of the cabinets, and cleaned up the glass. Unfortunately there was nothing to dry the floor with at that time, so they were forced to leave it. Finally they cleaned off the knife and hung it back on the rack. Before returning to their room like nothing happened.

Isn't that right?

Iwaizumi Hajime-The ultimate trainer

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