Chapter 1 Pt 3- A party??

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"Well I mean, everyone seems really down and party's usually cheer me up??"

After he finished, Osamu interrupted.

"I doubt we could pull off something really big, but maybe some food and music? I can make Onigiri and some other things, Tendou you can make chocolate right?"
"Oh yeah! Maaannnn I can't wait for you guys to try some!!"

In a matter of seconds everybody was talking about what they could do. We could have games, food and much more. Of course we would all have to pitch in, but I'm sure if we do we could get it done in no time. Of course it was getting late, so we all decided to talk more in the morning. Apart from Tendou.

"I'm gonna start on making some moulds for the chocolate, you guys go ahead I'll only be in the kitchen~"

So we all said goodnight and made our way to the dorms. However on my way there, I felt a tug on the back of my clothes. I turned around and there was Shoyo, standing behind me.

"Umm... (Y/n)-Chan...umm"

I waited for him to calm down for a minute and then asked him what was wrong. To which he replied.

"Can I... Sleep with you tonight...? Kags already said no... And I don't really know anybody else well enough to-"

Me and Shoyo both jumped as Monomolten came out of nowhere yet again.

"Boys and girls sharing a dorm is strictly forbidden!! Who knows what people you're age will do?!"

Even if I knew Shoyo wouldn't do anything like that, I guess he had a logical point in some sense. I mean I know two boys who would definitely take that chance...
As quickly as he appeared he disappeared in a cloud of mist. I turned to Shoyo, he looked more scared then I think I've ever seen him.

"I can't sleep yet... I'm gonna go see how Tendou-san is doing..."

I waved goodbye to him and went back to my dorm. I said goodnight to some of the others hanging around outside too. I would've joined in on their conversations, but I was too tired. Honestly I just wanted sleep.

I got to my room as quick as a could, before dozing off before I could begin to over think about the situation we were in again.

The next morning arrived. And as always I dragged myself out of bed. I forgot to change my clothes yesterday, so I just changed into a new pair and headed off. Of course brushing my hair first.

When I reached the cafeteria, Tendou, Iwaizumi and Aone were already there. Along with Osamu in the kitchen. On the side you could see some of the chocolate moulds Tendou had made last night, there were quite a few. Then again he needed to feed a lot of people, I'm not surprised.

Soon after everyone begun flooding into the room. Either being half asleep, or so awake that others are forced to be awake to deal with them. I was expecting Shoyo to come, but I guess he must have slept in. Maybe he stayed up late last night.

I told the others I was going to go find him, and went off to his room. It was near the end of the corridor, so I knocked on the door and realised it was unlocked. I stepped inside, everything looked normal, but Shoyo was nowhere to be seen.

I assumed he was in the bathroom and just left, not wanting to invade his privacy. However as I neared the cafeteria, I heard it.
That scream.


I rushed to where the sound was coming from, it was Kuroo. I ran into the cafeteria and saw every body crowding round the kitchen.

'It can't be... '

I took a few steps forward, each step I took shaky.

'There's no way... '

I slowly pushed my way to the front of the crowd.

And that's when I saw it...

There... Stuffed into a cabinet... Was Shoyos body...


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