Chapter 4 Pt 1- a different motive..?

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When I woke up, I found myself inside the nurses office. At first I didn't realise, because everything was blurry. But when my vision came back to me, I got greeted with a hug.


"Bokutoo, maybe don't hound her?"


I said it was ok, and ask what was going on, and where I was. Kuroo explained that Aone found me unconscious in some blood, but because there was no body discovery announcement he didn't know if I was dead or alive. He got scared so I brought me here and went to go tell everyone else.

"Y/n-chan? What happened??"

"We'll honestly...I don't remember...I heard a noise, went to go check on it and then everything went black.."

Bokuto nodded, and gave me a pat on the head. Telling me to get better. He then stood up, after Kuroo had stated that they told everyone they would tell them when I woke up. They said they'd be right back, and left the nurses office. Leaving me to my own thoughts.

I had caused so much trouble for everybody. Not only was a killing off so many, I was getting myself hurt in the process. I was making the situation so much worse then it needed to be. It was all my fault..

Honestly, if I wasn't so dumb then maybe I wouldn't even be here. I just had to go look around didn't I?

I know futakuchi said to not blame myself, but honestly...what else am I meant to do..?


My worries we're interrupted by the red bed engulfing me in a hug. A very tight one, I was starting to have trouble breathing.

"Tendou..please...can't breath.."

"Oh! Sorry!"

One by one everyone made their way into the office. Asking me if I was ok and if I was still hurting. I tried to convince them I was fine, but by the end of it my head had become like a mummy. Bandages wrapped everywhere to the point where I couldn't see.

It managed to distract me from my thoughts though.

"What did I miss whilst I was out?"

Osamu was the first to speak up.

"Not much, we were all discussing about holding some kind of activity. But during the discussion Aone told us about what happened"

I remembered what Kuroo had said earlier and thanked Aone, which he returned with a nod.

For a while, everything was great. Everyone was laughing, having a good time. None of us forgot what happened yesterday...and I don't think we ever will. But I'm glad everyone was having fun. Moping around wont do us any good when the bad guy behind all this hasn't been caught. sounds like I'm straight out of a detective book...but I guess this isn't so different...

But I was curious about what kind of activity they had planned. I asked them about it, but they said they'd tell me more once I was feeling better. Besides, they felt wrong preparing for it without me.

"There's no need to prepare anything!!"

After that line was screamed, all we heard was little 'excuse me's' as MonoMolten pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

"Hello everybody!! I'm here to deliver the motive!!"

"Motive?" Atsumu began. "Y/N-chan already got injured because of you, don't you think you owe it to us to not give out any kind of motive?"

"Of course I'm going to give you a slight break" MonoMolten climbed onto the bed, and I felt myself being lifted onto the other side.

"Which is why, the killer with the motive this time around will be able to kill on their own will!"

"Oh so you'll leave us alone?" With Ushijimas words everyone got excited. Maybe they'd finally be able to have a break from all of these murders, and instead have a fun time with everyone else.

"I guess you could call it that"
MonoMolten pulled his scarf down to adjust it, before putting it back to its original position.

"I mean, the injection just gives them the idea of killing"
Everybody froze...
Maybe we wouldn't get a break after all

"I'm sorry, what?!"

"You heard me!"

The doll like headmaster smiled, before pulling out a piece of paper.

"Here, one for each of you!! Oh! And attendance is mandatory by the way! I'd you don't come only a punishment awaits!"

With those words, MonoMolten hopped down from the bed, passing a paper to each student as he left. Saying how this was going to be a ton of fun.

Wanting to know what was going on, I looked down at the paper.
"Oh boy..."

Shiratorizawa Ball

A ball will be held 5pm to 9pm. Attendance is mandatory. Formal wear is mandatory.

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