Prologue Pt 4- A killing game?!

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At those words we all froze. None of us were able to speak. Eventually Daishou ended up laughing, which of course Kuroo called him out on.

"W-what are you laughing at snake ba-!"
"This is obviously a prank"

He walked over to the boy on the stage and bent down to his level. Ruffling his hair slightly.

"Come on like this thing holds any real threat"
"I'm not just a thing! I'm Monomolten! And for your record I can do plenty!"
"Oh yeah? Like what?"

As if he saw it as a challenge, Monomolten faced us in the crowd. His red eye began to glow and turrets began emerging from his back. We were all frozen in fear, what was he going to do?! At that moment, the world felt like it slowed down. I could see it coming my direction, but my feet were glued to the ground. I could hear somebody yell my name but even then, I stayed frozen in place.

I waited for the impact, but it wasn't what I expected. Instead I felt the impact of me hitting the hard floor, after being shoved into it. I looked up to find Osamu on top of me. It looked like he didn't know what was going on either. But when he registered the position he quickly apologised and got off, giving me a hand to help me up. The incident had everyone shook. Instead of making fun of his rival, Oikawa focused on the matter at hand.

"He-he tried to kill her?! That thing just tried to kill (y/n)-Chan?!"

Now satisfied seeing that we saw him as a threat, Monomolten put the turrets away and stared at us with a smile. Though it wasn't the type of smile you would expect, no. It was a smile filled with despair.

"Now you get it don't you, I'm a threat"

He turned to Daishou, who was clearly shaken up by the incident. After sending a glare his way he immediately ran back to the rest of us. Afterwards Monomolten continued talking.

"Now I maaaayyyyy be a slight liar, there is actually one way to escape~"
"Which is?"

Despite the lack of emotion in his voice, I think some people could tell he was panicking. I mean however stoic you are, when something like this happens you remember your only human. Just like everyone else. Monomolten sent us another smile. Before grabbing a part popper from behind him and setting it off, giving us the worst news ever.

"You have to kill somebody!!"

'I'm sorry............ What?... '

"You heard me right!! The way out of here is to kill one of your fellow friends! Your amigos! Your buddy's! Your pals! Kill one and the ticket out of here is as good as yours!"

From there, Monomolten continued to explain the possible methods we could kill somebody... But I don't think anybody was really listening. I think most of us were panicking, who am I kidding of course we were. This was just meant to be a fun meet up between teams! Nothing like this was meant to happen! Why us? What did we of all people do?

I continued to think, but Iwaizumis words brought me back to reality.

"Like hell we're going to kill somebody, just wait and see we'll get out of her our own way!
"Ah we'll see we'll see"

I wanted to go home. I wanted to see mum, and dad, and everyone. I don't understand, I just don't understand.

"Well it's been great chatting to you but I've gotta bounce! If you eve need me just call for me! Oh and by the way I've remodeled the dorms slightly so you all have one! Ta ta for now~"

And Monomolten disappeared using the smoke.

We were all in a least I thought we were. But apparently Kuroo noticed something none of us did.

"Hey Atsumu, why don't you seem worried at all?!"

"Well I mean, this'll be interesting"

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