"You do know..." Harp deepens her voice sarcastically then holds a finger up. "First, Dodgers aren't something to brag about. Second, hate to break it to you but you're no Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson or for more modern day baseball heroes, Derek Jeter. Plus, you would've probably warmed the bench until finally deciding to drop to the minor leagues where you belonged."

I laugh putting her down gently and flick her hat up. "I beg to differ sweetheart." She blushes and goes to hit me but I quickly jog backwards toward my team. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

She huffs and puts her hand and glove on those tempting hips of hers. "You're the one who's going to need the strength of God to shine down on you, cause that's the only way you're going to win."

I stop and take her in. I've always loved Harp in a baseball cap and her gorgeous copper locks in a ponytail, there was something so entrancing about it. She's wearing a dark blue team t-shirt with shorts that make it hard for me not look at her freckled legs.

Like promised her leg is wrapped up securely and I point to it. "No sliding."

She cocks a slender brow. "I'm not dumb Samuels."

I flash her a smile. Harper Samuels sounds nice. "You sure about that Firecracker."

Her face reddens in anger and I jog away to Luke. He chuckles at me, "Good to see you really flirting now."

He throws me a ball as I ask, "What do you mean?"

I throw it back to him as he continues, "You've always flirted with her but had no idea you were and now you're intentionally doing it. Should I be expecting a save the date soon?"

I toss the ball in the air. "More like renting a tux."

He gives me a dead panned look. "Seriously? Dude, I don't do tuxes."

"Yeah and you will be changing that if you want to be a part of it. Just promise me you won't look better than me at my wedding and it will be set in stone."

He smirks. "What? You afraid Harp's going to get one good look at me then decide she wants a real man?"

"You're a sexy man. It's a logical fear." I wink back at him.

"Dude your confidence is something to be feared." He throws the ball back at me. "But forewarning, on the rare occasion I've had to wear one, I've made the ladies swoon."

"Still set in stone." I chuck it at him and he hisses from the ball smacking the palm of his glove. "Only because my lady won't even spare you a glance."

He throws the ball again and I'm impressed. "Did you play in high school?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "No."

"What was your sport."

He fires the ball back at me. "Drinking, drugs, sex."

I falter and the ball skims pass me. "Sorry."

He fixes his cap. "Don't be. I made a lot of stupid mistakes in the past. I own up to them. I'm just glad I went down a different route. I'd probably be dead if I continued the one I was going down in high school."

I run and grab the ball tossing it back to him. "What made you change? If you don't mind me asking."

His eyes darken and he looks in the direction of the sun, as if it would help the darkness in his eyes to vanish. "Sam Schneider's disappearance."

So that's why.

"Did something happen between you two?"

He's silent and the music stops playing as the announcer calls out for the game to start. He throws me the ball and we head towards the dugout. "We got into a fight the day she disappeared. It hasn't sat right with me since."

...And He's Back (Book One, Breaking Open Series)Where stories live. Discover now