chapter two

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-Day one- Part two-

(15 June 2014)

I was sitting down a couch in the hotel lobby, waiting for my friend Sam. She said she was on her way and she shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

I remember when I first met Sam; it was my first day in Brazil. And I was lost in the university campus, she was walking by with a bunch of her friends and she noticed how confused I am. She started speaking some Portuguese words, I couldn’t understand back then.

I told her that I can only speak English. She then guided me where to go and what to do with her pretty terrible English. And then It turned out that she was my roommate, I was relieved that I didn’t end up with someone who totally hated Arabs and Muslims…I was glad I ended up with someone as tolerant as her. 

A girl with short blonde hair and tanned skin walked in the hotel and started looking around; I stood up and waved at her. She started taking fast steps towards me and I knew; I was either going to get slapped or hugged. 

I breathed in relief because it was the last one, I almost chocked because she hugged me so tight.

“Why did you do this?” she asked sitting down next to me.

I didn’t want to look her in the eye because I would have cried. Her eyes so soft, I’d cry immediately not because I was weak…or so I thought but because her eyes showed affection and care no one else in the world has shown for me, even my family.

“You know exactly why I did this, Sam. I don’t want to go back.” I replied.

“You are not going to stay here forever Dan; you know you need to face him now or later.” She spoke and I closed my eyes slightly.

“I know I know, I just quiet love it. I’m not ready to say goodbye to it yet. I know my dad would take that away from me, he always does. If I go back to Tunisia now, he’ll take my camera, my visa, my passport and all of my dreams.” I ranted as she patted my back.

“So what are you going to do? Avoid him for the rest of your life?” she interrogated.

“No, of course not but I just need a bit time to figure it out.” I said running my fingers through my hair.

“Well, then come live at my house in the capital. You know mum and dad would be more than welcoming.” She suggested as I shook my head.

“No, I can’t…I mean I would love to but I can’t. First because I can’t annoy you more than I already did, I stay with you every vacation Sam! And second, my brothers both know where you live and if dad wanted me back he would send them to bring me. So no matter what you do, don’t tell anyone I’m staying here with a complete stranger.” I ranted again.

She let out a small laugh and asked “How is that going?” and I titled my head back on the couch.

“It’s only been like four or five hours, and I’ve spent half it alone in the room. He is in the Algerian team so he’s out practicing.” I said and she gasped.

“You know? We should go sometimes go watch a match of the World Cup that would be exciting” she suggested as I smirked.

“I’m always ready for a little party, just hit me up.” I high fived her, my eyes shoot up to the guys walking in the lobby “look look” I gestured to Sam as she turned her head.

After a few minutes of her, watching them “Oh, damn you Arab boys why are you always so hot.” She sighed and I chuckled.

Suddenly three of them started walking towards us; Aissa, Islam and Saphir. I gave them a weak smiled and introduced them to my friend as they sat down.

“You guys look tired” I expressed as they ALL, no exceptions started sniffing theirselves and I rolled my eyes in disgust.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to head to bed” Aissa said standing up but got coughs from his team mates so he sat back again “Or I can sit here and drown in my own sweats.”

“Look babe, I have to go. My plane is later at night, I need to get ready.” Sam stood up and I shoot up with her. She grapped her hand bag and hugged me.

“Hey, don’t stay in the capital for too long I’ll miss you.” I said as she kissed both of my cheek.

“Don’t worry; I’ll probably be back next week so we can go watch a game.” She said and did a little wave and she was off.

After a few seconds of silence, I spoke up “I’m hungry, I think I’m going to head up my room and order room service.” I stood up and started walked after a few big steps, Aissa was on my tail.

“What? You’re hungry too?” I chuckled and he laughed quietly.

“No, I’m on a diet but I got to keep you company.” He said as we walked the stairs.

“Really?” I smirked.

“Yeah, I think you’re my responsibility now” he said and I almost laughed.

“Says who?” I said.

“Well…I feel like, we should only trust each other now because you know…you live with me and I live with you…isn’t that basic roommates rules?” he mumbled as I chuckled shaking my head.

“No, I don’t think that there is such thing as roommates rules.” I said opening the chamber’s door.

“No, I think there are a few rules” he threw himself on his bed as I sat down on the couch in front of the TV, and I looked at him in disbelief “Like…” he said and looked up like he was thinking so hard to come up with something.

“I can give you one…” I interrupted him “Clean after yourself” and his eyes widened.

“What? RUDE!” he almost yelled as I laughed “What is that suppose to mean?”

“What? I’m just saying….the bathroom is an absolute mess. I head to clean after you left but only because I need it. And have you ever heard of toilet seats? They’re really useful. Oh, by the way I reorganized the cabinet…well not reorganized more like organized because you had nothing but a toothbrush, a shampoo and soap.” I complained

“What else am I suppose to need?” he throw his hands in the air.

“Body cleansers, body moisturizer, body mists, shower gels, hair conditioner, shower cream, body wash?” I almost yelled in frustration.

“Am I going to die if I don’t use them?” he asked.

“Well…no but you’re going to stink” I announced.

“I am willing to take that risk.” He laughed.

“You don’t even have a deodorant” I jumped from the couch.

“So?” he laughed at me.

“So you’re honestly the most disgusting human being, even my ex boyfriend used deodorant. And let me tell you he was a filthy PIG.” I said and grabbed my phone from the bed stand.

After a few minutes, his phone beeped and he looked at me “They’re going to a near club later at night. Want to come?” he asked and I shook my head.

“No, thanks I’m not feeling it.” I answered him and he just shrugged.

“Come on, you cannot stay here alone! You’ll get bored.” Aissa said.

“No, honestly Aissa! I’m tired I think I will have dinner and head to bed.”

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