Nev: hey you ok?

Mattia: I'm great, do you still have an extra toothbrush for me?

Nev: yeah it's in the drawer right here like it's always been.

Mattia: k thanks.

He let go of me and grabbed his toothbrush.

Nev: are you sure you're ok you're being hella dry.

Mattia: I'm fine...can you go for a minute?

Nev: sure let me know if you need anything k?

I gave him a peck on the lips and knew he didn't seem himself.

He didn't respond and I left the room, closing the door and going downstairs to make food as mar later came downstairs carrying Nailea on his side

Mar: hey.

Nev: hey, where's mom?

Mar: she's at work and I'm so fucking annoyed because of her.

Lea: I'm gonna tell mom you cuss.

Mar: how about we watch something?

Lea: deal.

Mar: k cool.

I laughed

Lea: vaeh what are you making?

Nev: umm, i'm getting a snack, I ordered Panera.

Lea: and you didn't tell us.

Nev: oh I got you pizza.

She came to the kitchen and hugged me, then went back to the couch with mar.

Lea: thank you.

Mar: how come you're so polite to her but you're so mean to me, I did nothing to you.

She ran over to the couch and slapped him on the arm and I started laughing.

Lea: NO I said I wanted to watch paw patrol!

Mar: ok ok stop pulling my hair, we can watch paw patrol.

Nev: mar answer the door in a little, I'm gonna go check on Mattia.

Mar: I gotchu

Lea: *gasp* matti is here!?

Mar: yeah go attack him instead, damn.

I went upstairs into my room, calling his name to hear no response.

I opened the door in the bathroom to just see him staring in the mirror as his eyes were red and puffy.

Nev: ok tell me what the hell happened Mattia.

Mattia: just know you were right.

I closed the door as I walked in.

Nev: I'm always right so you gotta be specific bae.

I sat on the counter waiting to hear a response from him.

Nev: dímelo ahora

He looked at me and came over to me, kissing me.

Nev: I have to go back downstairs but tell me what's going on.

Mattia: no because you're gonna get mad and it's gonna cause drama and I don't want that.

Nev: no, if it's that serious it can just be between us like all the other millions of things we've told each other.

Mattia: Nevaeh I seriously do not have it in me.

Once I noticed he was dead serious, my face dropped.

Mar: vaeh your food is here

Mar yelled from downstairs

Nev: will you at least come eat with me?

Mattia: yeah, give me a second k?

Nev: okay, if you're up here too long I'm dragging you out.

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair as I left the bathroom, going downstairs to make our plates.

Mar: she really wants to go see Mattia, Nevaeh.

Nev: I would but there's something wrong with him and he won't talk about it so I'm not sure how he'd act if I let her up there.

Mar: is he coming downstairs?

Nev: yeah.

I sat down and started eating while waiting for Mattia to come downstairs.

When he did Nailea got so happy.

Lea: Matti!
She giggled as he picked her up.

Mar: I swear she was attacking me like two seconds ago and now she's acting all nice, I've never wanted to throw a child more.

Mattia and I started laughing as he started tickling Nailea.

Nev: your bowl is on the counter Mattia.

Mattia: thanks.

He put her down and grabbed his bowl walking over to the table and staring down at me eating.

Nev: can I help you?

Mattia: yeah move, you can just sit on me.

Nev: no I don't wanna g-

He grabbed my bowl, placing it on the table as he moved me and let me sit on him.

Mar: y'all can't tell me you aren't dating.

Mattia: not labeling anything right now.

Mar: I didn't even know you were here.

Nev: because your ass fell asleep by 6.

Mar: look, at least i got a full 8 hours, you don't even sleep.

Mattia: mar are you still going with us to California?

Mar: I mean yeah, I can still walk and I get this thing off tomorrow.

Once we finished eating mattia went straight back up to my room as we were in the middle of a conversation.

Nev: Mattia what the fuck!

He closed the door and I went after him, going into my room, slamming the door behind me when Mattia and I got into an argument.

Mattia: what?!

Nev: you're not yourself and you're acting like a dick! i don't have the fucking energy to keep playing the guessing game with you, tell me what happened!

Mattia: I told you I wasn't ready so just stop!

Nev: well if you don't wanna say shit stop acting like this!

Mattia: look, I'm sorry if I upset you I'm still processing what happened but I think I should just go.

He tried leaving but I grabbed his hand not letting him.

Nev: tell me Mattia, I won't get mad and I won't tell anyone and I'm pretty sure you know that.

I looked him in the eye as he sat at the edge of my bed.

Mattia: I walked into Olivias room to fix her light which wasn't even broken and I turned around and she's on her fucking knees, palming me, she tried to get in my pants Nevaeh.

I think he could tell that I was pissed off.

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