Eyes glued to the paper in his hand, Seokjin reached for his cup of coffee, only to realize it was empty. At his actions, Yinn quickly shot up.

"I'll go bring you a new one!" she said.

Seokjin blinked twice. "You don't have to do that, Miss Naron."

"It's okay. I want to help in any way I can!" Yinn said before making her way to the coffee machine.

Soon, a steaming cup of black coffee was served before Seokjin's eyes. Casting his gaze onto the rising steam vapour, Seokjin subconsciously tapped his fingers on the table before smiling at the nervous-looking girl standing before him. "Thank you."

"Do you want milk? Sugar?"

"No, this is fine."

Without another word, the dark haired man refocused his attention to the mountains of papers. At his response, Yinn nodded and returned to the couch. As she anxiously shifted in her seat, she peered towards Jimin, who was postured forward on the couch, his arms rested on his legs as he clasped his hands together, deep in thought.

"If only the inspection approval process could come faster..." Jimin muttered after seeing Seokjin's preoccupied state. "Orin escaped with the documents as well, so we're missing the evidence of Senyu and Orin's relationship. We need more evidence to completely restrain them from pulling something again."

At his words, something suddenly clicked in Yinn's head.

"Evidence for their relationship..." She muttered to herself. "Ah!"

Her exclamation caused the two men to simultaneously turn towards her.

"What's wrong?" Jimin blinked at her odd expression, only to see her frantically shove her hand in her bag.

After a few seconds of searching, the brown-haired girl pulled out her phone. Her eyes flickered as she swept her gaze across the two men with anticipation.

"I think I may have something."

At first glance, Yinn Naron was someone who could blend perfectly into the background.

She had a way of unintentionally making people drop their guards around her. This was her greatest advantage.

This was exactly the case at the banquet. She had been in cooling down in the washroom stall after her confrontation. As she was exiting the washroom, she had noticed two people huddling in a discreet corner near the entrance.

Despite noticing her presence, the two paid her no attention as they continued their conversation.

Little did they know that their entire conversation was recorded.

Of course, she had not done it on purpose. In fact, it was because Yinn had forgotten her phone by the washroom mirror and only realized it when she was about to leave.

Ever since the incident with Tara Lee, Yinn had developed a habit of documenting her everyday conversations in case similar things happened. It was only after the two left that she had returned to fetch her phone, unaware that the device had everything recorded.

The outburst of events left everything in a frenzied state, and Yinn had forgotten all about this until now. Without further ado, she opened up the file on that day and pressed on the play button.

Code V | BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora