Chapter 61

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For the past few weeks Draco has been working on showing your parents he's changed of course you told them your both engaged now and their happy for you, so now Draco decided to work on building trust with your parents which he knows may take awhile

Even with your friends like Harry and Luna and everyone else who all still have trouble trusting him but he's trying to build trust and prove he's changed

Right now Draco was talking to your friends and your parents

"I realized even though I was in love with y/n I wasn't still a good person, I was fine with muggleborns once I fell in love with y/n, but still the views my parents pushed onto me as a child I still had with me, like just because I was in love with a muggleborn didn't mean I still wasn't a bit terrible towards them still, I still thought I was better then them I sill had terrible ideals, It didn't matter who I was in love with I was still believed stuff I shouldn't have. I realized I thought I was a better person maybe I was starting to become one but I wasn't because then I went back down the wrong path and I understand all the mistakes I made." Draco says his whole speech he planned out and everyone was shocked even you because you weren't allowed you hear it until today

Harry looks around the room to see the same look he has and speechless people

"Look I know now trust isn't earned because you say you changed it's because you prove it especially to the people you hurt and I proved it to y/n now I need to prove it to all of you, it'll take months or years but I hope you all can one day forgive me or at least accept my apology." Draco says and you smile at him as you had Delilah and Camilla on your lap

"Hey as long as my twin is happy I'm happy and honestly if y/n actually forgave him then he obviously changed like that stubborn girl still hasn't forgiven me for stealing a cookie from her when we were 8!" Hermione says and you nod

"Yeah that's true better give me cookie back." You say and Hermione sighs

Your parents laugh "Yes that is true but Draco is right we all can't trust him yet he needs to earn it especially because of the past." Your mother says and you and Draco both nod

"We know that mom." You say as Draco sat beside you and let everyone voice their opinions on him

*I will show to everyone I'm never gonna hurt y/n again*

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