Chapter 46

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When Draco came back to Hogwarts he was angry and he didn't even see you carrying a bunch of books in the hall until you slipped and fell and yelled and he realized the yelling was you and turned around "Baby!" He says as he helps you up and you rub your head

"Ugh Stupid books why do I always do things the hard way." You say and Draco laughs and uses magic to get all the books as you started to clean them up by hand

"You do things too muggle sometimes." Draco says and you sigh

"Well I've lived as one most of my life sorry if I'm too muggle." You say and Draco laughs

"It's cute." He says as you roll your eyes as Draco helps you with the books and you sigh

"So what were you so angry?" You ask and Draco sighs

"Well my parents called me home then tried to make me break up with you and disown Delilah and then they said a muggleborn can't raise a pureblood and you shouldn't have Camilla, you'll turn her into a muggle lover and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." Draco says and you sigh

"Everyone's a critic aren't they." You say as you get to the library and start putting the new books where they need to be

"What kind of muggle saying is that." Draco says and you sigh you always have to explain every single thing you do or say that he wouldn't understand

"It basically means everyone has an opinion don't they." You say and Draco nods

"Yeah but why not just say that." He says and you shrug

"My dad would say it a lot so I guess I picked it up from him." You say and Draco nods

"Ok muggles are so weird but kinda interesting." Draco says and you kiss his cheek as he smiles as he helped you put books away

*Why is he so adorable!?*

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