Chapter 21

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Draco started being a lot nicer to you and maybe you both might have started to fall for each other but won't admit it

You finally got everything ready to send Delilah back "Well bye Delilah once we send you back I'll use oblivate and forget you because we aren't supposed to know about you." You say and Draco turns and looked shocked

"Wait what why?" He says and you look confused

"Because it's too early to know about her duh it'll mess up the future now see ya in the future Delilah." You say and then you sent her back and Draco looks at you as you then point your wand at him

"Don't do it y/n!" Draco says and you look confused

"Draco why do you care about forgetting? I thought this would be your favourite part you actually get to forget me." You say and Draco gets closer to you

"Don't I'm only just starting to fall for you." He says shocking you he was what now?

"I have to sorry Draco but we weren't supposed to fall in love yet I'm sorry but you will again but now I need to do this." You say and he then kissed you shocking you

"Don't make me forget this." He says and you sigh

"I have to do this if I don't the whole timeline would be screwed up we know too much about the future were not allowed to." You say and before he could do anything you use the spell and then on yourself

"Huh? Why am I holding your hand granger you know what probably to do this." Draco says then pushing you on the ground

"Ew why would I ever let you hold my hand I was on my way to the library that's all I remember now leave me alone malfoy you arrogant brat. Also never touch me again or I'll make you regret it you." You say then walking off

|Delilahs pov|

I wake up in the hospital wing and see my parents and mom was crying as dad was rubbing her back "She has to be ok she needs to wake up!" Mom says and dad holds her tightly

"She will don't worry the nurse said she should wake up in 5 days it's been 3 days it's gonna be ok." Dad says and I smile

"Mom?" I say and she looks over

"Lila darling your ok thank god." She says hugging me and dad walks over and hugs me as well

"We were so worried you've been out for 3 days." Dad says and I was so shocked did I actually go back into the past?

"Wait what? Was it just a extremely vivid dream? Or did I actually go back into the past?" I say and my parents were so confused

"What do you mean Delilah?" Mom says and of course they wouldn't remember mom said she'd use oblivate on them maybe it was a dream

"Nothing mom I'm sorry I worried you but now I want you to sing for me." I say and mom laughs

"No not right now tonight at bedtime I will." Mom say and I nod as my parents hug me tightly 

*Was it really just a dream?*

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