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December 8
"Janet!" I jumped at the sound but cringed at the voice. I honestly couldn't stand being in this house with him anymore I was going crazy, and soon I was going to do something that I was going to regret.

"I'm in the room!" I yelled back. Not a minute later did the door open and hit the wall behind it.

"Come here." I didn't move a muscle. Neither did he.

"I said bring your ass here." I was nowhere near him and I could smell the alcohol on his breath from all the way over here.

"I don't w-want to." The next thing I felt was his hand connect to my face. It felt like a brick was thrown into my cheek and I couldn't help but fall to the ground in a loud cry.

He grabbed my arm that was holding my face and pulled me off the ground and threw me towards the bed.

"Wait wait! Please my mother and sister are here!" I said covering myself.

"I could care less! They can come join for all I care!" He grabbed me by my neck and brought me to his face.

"Scream if you want because they here and I'll kill you. That's a promise Janet." He threw me back down as I started to cough violently.

He started to take his clothes off as I inched my way up the bed to get as far away from him as possible. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me back down and ripped my pants off.

This wasn't the same man I fell in love with.... this was the devil in human form.

As he entered me it felt like I was ripping in half and he didn't care if he was hurting me. I tried my best not to scream but it was no use. He tried to cover my mouth with his hand but I bit it and ran into the bathroom.

I couldn't even close the door before I was slammed into the counter knocking the wind out of me and causing me to scream.  

"Didn't I say don't scream? Huh! I got something for your ass!" He entered me again from behind and slammed my face into the faucet damn near knocking my tooth out.

It didn't take him long before he was done. Once he regained his strength he started pushing me around the bathroom. I was pushed into the toilet, bath, shower, and last the closet. He took his fists and rammed them repeatedly into my chest and stomach.

I couldn't stop screaming. After what seemed like eternity he finally stopped and walked out of the bathroom.

It didn't take long for me to realize that blood was dripping from everywhere, but what was worse was the blood coming down my leg.

*december 8, 2011
"Janet! Baby!"

I opened my eyes and it was pitch black but someone was shaking me. I jumped up and soon realized it was Toni.

"Baby are you okay?? You need to go to the hospital? Your mother's??" I could tell I had freightened her quite a bit because she was crying.

"Yeah call my mother please." I said shaking.

It was 29 years ago today when I had my first miscarriage but it never affected me until now. My mother and sister found me unconscious in the bathroom closet the following morning.

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