5|| Rain, Rain, Go Away

Start from the beginning

"When did this get in here?" Elizabeth questioned, opening the bag and gently scooping out the miraculous, rubbing her fingers across the cold metal.

"I threw it in there before we left," Silver piped up, answering Elizabeth's question. "Since we haven't made any progress on it, I thought maybe we should take it around with us and hope that we're struck with an idea or inspiration on what to try next."

Elizabeth frowned at her kwami's words, knowing the truth to them. Despite all their attempts at research, the three had come up with absolutely nothing. None of the history or lore surrounding India brought any ideas or knowledge on what had happened to the miraculous and the kwami. They were on the same square one they had been since they found the necklace in the woods.

The dirty blonde stared down at the miraculous, gliding her hands across its surface. It sparkled under the sun, and Elizabeth was suddenly struck with how expensive it was. The chain was pure gold (yes, actual gold, she had it checked) and the center stone was a white opal, whose iridescent colors she found to be breathtaking. Elizabeth knew that jewelry like this was ridiculously expensive—even if broken—which lead her to wonder why it was chosen to host a miraculous.

"Hey, Silver, does the necklace they chose seem a little weird to you?" Elizabeth voiced, "it's pretty expensive, and way fancier than any other miraculous I've seen."

"Gee, thanks," Silver mumbled, taking offense. Elizabeth sighed but didn't apologize.

"You know what I mean, don't you?" the blonde girl continued, bringing the necklace closer to her face, "most miraculouses are simple so they don't draw any unwanted attention. Take yours and Jumbe's miraculouses for example. Both of them are made of enchanted steel and look like everyday jewelry you could find at a store. They're magical, but they look ordinary, which is the opposite of this one. I wonder why."

Silver seemed to have gotten over the slight to her miraculous, because she responded. "You might be onto something, actually. It's really weird how fancy the miraculous is. It's like whoever made it wanted everyone to know how special it was..." the kwami tailed off, frowning to herself.

Elizabeth then noticed a flash of movement from the corner of her eye. She quickly stowed the necklace back into her pocket before glancing over her shoulder to see that she wasn't alone in the park anymore. Over by the white marble water fountain was a strange man dressed in bold red and green plaid pants held up with gray suspenders over his white short-sleeved shirt, accompanied by a stone-faced mountain of a man in a plum purple suit. It was definitely a weird sight that caused Elizabeth and her kwami to exchange confused looks.

To make the whole occasion even stranger, the man with the plaid pants was jumping around the fountain, striking pose after pose as he snapped an endless stream of pictures with the camera in his hands. One second he would be laying on the ground, and the next he would be teetering on the edge of the fountain, all for the sake of a perfect angle while the burly man stood off to the side, holding what Elizabeth could best describe as a giant white Frisbee (though she was sure that wasn't the true name or purpose of the object).

For a moment, Elizabeth thought the man was taking pictures of the fountain, but then she noticed a third figure. She could only see the back of the boy from where she sat, but she instantly recognized the shiny blonde hair, especially since it was paired with the same outfit she'd seen on him everyday at school: a white jacket, black shirt with stripes, blue jeans, and orange sneakers. Adrien Agreste.

"Hey look," the black and white kwami exclaimed from her spot of Eliza's shoulder, "it's a boy from your class!"

"It appears so," Elizabeth replied, "I think he's modeling or something," she added, remembering one of Chloe's rants about him.

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