Valt and Shasa VS Rantaro and Shards

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"Uh, guys?" Rantaros voice brought them back into existence.

"Are we gonna go again?" Rantaro asked and both bladers lightly blushed.

"Y-Yeah! Let's go!" Valt said and Rantaro stared at his best friend. But then he smiled on the inside. Back in BC Sol, Valt and Shasa were great friends, and Rantaro had a feeling there was more than just friendship and that just proved it to him.

"2nd Battle!" Tomoka announced.

Shasa knew the same technique wasn't going to work on them twice, so she decided to do something. She kept her chassis on free spin but changed the mode to defense mode.

Valt noticed and was a little surprised but then smiled, she wanted to battle Honcho for the center. And to be honest, Valt wanted a rematch against Shards. So then, Valt took apart his bey and switched Valkyries Chassis. So now all swords were lined up.

All four bladers got into their launching positions.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!!!" All four bladers yelled as they did a sparking shoot.

All four beys landed heavily on the stadium and Rantaro made his move.

"Take the center! Ragnaruk!"

"Not on my watch! Saturn!"

Both beys raced towards the center and collided.

"Bring it on! Ragnaruks got a tank full of stamina!" Rantaro said.

"We're not letting up!" Shasa replied back.

Meanwhile, Brave Valkyrie and Destroy Sadryn were spinning around the stadium, both of them focused on each other.




Both beys met in a collision. Neither of them were giving each other the upper hand, but since Valkyrie was stronger, it began pushing Sadryn back.

Shards gritted her teeth in frustration. Sadryn needed to get away and it was able to slide away from Valkyrie.

But both of them met again in a clash.

Valt quickly took a look at Saturn and Ragnaruk and saw that Saturn was seemingly getting pushed back. Valt needed to think of something quick and then had an idea.

"Shasa!" Valt called out to her.

"Huh?" She turned to Valt.

"I'm gonna leave the rest up to you." Valt said and Shasa was confused until Valt called to Valkyrie.

"Valkyrie! Let's go!" And Valkyrie responded by pushing Sadryn away behind Saturn and Valkyrie raced towards Ragnaruk and Saturn who were still clashing.

"Brave Sword!"

Brave Valkyrie interrupted Saturns and Ragnaruks battle by sending both beys back to opposite sides of the stadium.

Everyone was surprised by what Valt did. Saturn got sent and collided with Sadryn who got sent into the air and the recoil sent Saturn back to the center. Ragnaruk hit the stadium wall, knocking itself off balance while Saturn accidently collided with Valkyrie, knocking into the air.


Shards eyes widened as she saw her bey burst in the air and Valkyrie got sent out the stadium. Shasa was surprised, Valt just sacrificed himself for her to have a chance. Shasa looked over at him and Valt grinned at her.

He's so sweet Shasa thought to herself and focused back on the battle. Both Ragnaruk and Saturn were racing towards the center. But because of Valkyrie, Ragnaruk was off balance.

"Now's my chance!" Shasa said and powered up, a light blue flare surrounded her and a blue mark appeared on her forehead.

"SATURN!" Shasa shouted out and the avatar of Cosmic Saturn was summoned. Saturn was covered in a light blue flame.

"Cosmic Whip!" Shasa called out.


Saturn knocked Ragnaruk into the air and to everyone's surprise. Bursted. Rantaros eyes widened.

"Brave Valkyrie and Cosmic Saturn! Valt and Shasa win!" Tomoka called.

"Nice one!" Valt grinned with his fist into the air and Shasa fist bumped him again.

"Most of the credit goes to you, that was crazy." Shasa giggled and Valt lightly blushed and scratched the back of his head.

Rantaro watched the scene between the two and he knew Valt wasn't lying. Shasa was strong, but that move by Valt caught him off guard!

Rantaro felt that there was more to Valt's actions than just the attention of winning this battle.

Suddenly, the door opened, and it revealed someone walked in the room.

Shasa observed, and it was a 13 year old boy.

He looks a bit similar to Valt but he has lighter skin, turquoise eyes, wears red clothing and his hair and eyebrows are maroon. He has a red letter "A" tattooed on his left cheek, and several bandage strips on his face: a horizontal one of his right cheek, two horizontal ones placed vertically on the right temple, and a horizontal one over an "X" shaped bandage on the left temple. He's wearing a burgundy Letterman's jacket, but with a smooth tomato border, a dark-blue strip at the bottom, white sections with a dark-blue stripe on the sleeves' shoulder region, a white shirt with a black Beyblade symbol on the front, he also has stitched-in patched jeans, celestial-blue hand brace, and red sneakers. He also has three yellow buttons on the front of his jacket: one on the right side with a dark-blue Beyblade symbol, and two on the left, the upper one an upside-down dark-blue "A", and the bottom a dark-blue star. He's also wearing a dark-blue head band, holding up his spikey hair. He was also wearing a wallet chain on his left side.

Shasa studied him before she finally found out who just walked in.

It was the World Champion!

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