“The new BMW 5 series sedan. I have signed a 3 year contract with the designer David Tale, so I am going to be in the country for a while. Meaning I am going to need a car.” I chuckle. What a way to ask for a car, a car worth a million rands at that.

“It’s Tlale like Clara not Tale.” She giggles again. “We will look into your request after I have talked with the women in my life.” She laughs.
“You sound like a polygamist right now.” I chuckle shaking my head.

“Ma’am your things are ready.” The shop assistant says. I stand up and head to the counter. I tell them to wrap the stuff and then write who they belong to. After doing as I have ordered, I pay for the stuff. I would’ve tipped them but they looked down upon me. Clara and I head out and go to American Swiss.

I buy a sterling silver & freshwater pearl elegant drop pendant, sterling silver & freshwater pearl elegant drop earrings and an infinity pearl bracelet. I also order the cashier here to wrap the gift and label it. When I have paid, we head to Benmore flower shop where I buy a classic red rose vase because my mother in law is obsessed with roses. It’s already late so I figure we are going to crash the Ndaba family supper.

I buy an expensive bottle of whiskey for my father in law. He is not a huge fan of alcohol but he does drink, only the finest whiskey. I also buy wine for my mother in law, that one is a regular drinker of wine so I buy a box of her favorite wine.

I drive Clara to my apartment where we shower and change our clothes. I get dressed in a maroon mid-calf round neck long sleeve fall bodycon dress with white Versace safety pin pumps and a contrast barocco print silk foulard. I tied my foulard in a funny way but what did you expect? While Clara gets dressed in a lavender above knee round neck pleated bodycon spring dress with virtus naplak mid-heel mules. She is not wearing a scarf because there is no need.

One would swear we are going to an event or something but I just love dressing up when going to the Ndaba household. Some might be wondering how I have dressed like these when I hate shopping. Well I have a dress assistant. Yes a dress assistant. She always does shopping for me and she mostly buy Versace products because I love the brand. Sometimes she delivers the clothes here or at grans house.

When we are satisfied with our looks, by the way Clara put on some make-up on my face much to my disagreement, we lock the apartment and I drive us to the Ndaba household. I have the gate remote so I just open the gate and drive inside. I park in front of the garage and we climb off the car. Clara is carrying the gifts for everyone while I am carrying the flowers and the alcohol but only one of the wine bottles.

We head to the front door and ring the bell. After a few moments the door is opened by my mother in law. Right now I am freaking out because there is a possibility that Silu told them the reason why he called off the wedding.

“My baby.” She squeals and hugs me tight. Okay, that wasn’t the welcome I expected. I guess he didn’t tell them.

“HI ma.” I wish I could hug her back but my hands are full. She finally breaks the hug and hug Clara who is smiling next to me.
“Come in. what a pleasant surprise.”

“Here you go.” I say handing her the wine and flowers. She claps her hands like a toddler receiving candy.
“Thank you so much.” She takes her gifts and she leads us inside the house. “You look so beautiful by the way.”

“Thank you.” Clara says still smiling. She leads us to the lounge where the whole family is seated, well Silu is not here but his family is. We exchange greetings and a few minutes later Silu’s mother tells us that the food is ready. We then head to the dining room. Everyone dishes for themselves while Clara looks lost. I just chuckle shaking my head. Silu’s mother prepared usu with uphuthu and ujeqe. There is also sweet potato and amadumbe on the table. She went all out on the South African cuisine.

“Let me help you with that.” I say to Clara. I dish up a full spoon of uphuthu and a spoon of usu then a slice of ujeqe. I then take a piece of sweet potato and amadumbe and place it on her plate.

“How do I eat it?” she asks. I tell her to follow my lead and then I start eating my food. Well I am a huge fan of usu so I dished two spoons for myself. This tastes so good. If I was friends with the kitchen, I would ask for the recipe. She grabs her spoon and starts eating like me. She chews and everyone stops and look at her for feedback. It’s amusing really.

“How is it?” Silu’s mother asks. Clara swallows and then smile.
“Different but delicious. What is the name of this dish?” she enquires.

“Just eat and forget about the name.” I say and they all laugh.
“You both look very beautiful tonight.” Siyamthanda says for the hundred time this evening and we just smile.
Right now we are at the lounge drinking and chatting about anything and everything.

“Oww before I forget, I brought you guys something.” I take the bag that Clara was carrying and give each and everyone their gift. I also give Silu’s father the whiskey. They all hug me and thank me for their gifts.

“What’s with all the screams and laughs? What are you guys celebrating?” a voice I wasn’t prepared to hear asks. We all turn and look at the doorway. Holy fuck.

The Empress Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz