Chapter |38| Paris IV

Start from the beginning

A smile broke out on his face, and he encircled my waist, pulling me up, so my butt perched on the edge of the wall. "That's possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard. So, what if you're small? I'm tall, people used to call me skyscraper. I ignored them because I knew they were jealous, and Princess, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I don't care if you are short, to be honest I prefer it."

Reaching into the bag again, he pulled out a set of Mickey ears and sighed as he put them onto his head. "Now, will you please be the Minnie to my Mickey?"

I think I died and went to heaven right then and there.

An uncontrollable grin broke out on my face, and I nodded, kicking off my shoes. Like a true Prince, he knelt down and placed the m Minnie slippers onto my feet, before standing up and pressing a kiss onto my lips.

"Mhh, can I call you my knight in shining Mickey Ears now?"

"No." He flat out said, helping me off the wall, and I couldn't help but laugh. I was so calling him that all day.


"What the fuck Kiara?" Okay, he said my name. Maybe I went a little extreme?

I went in to tap him on the nose with my ice cream but instead, ended up tripping over the cobbles and smashing the entire thing into his face.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Children started to stop to point, stare and laugh, with their parents doing the same. Bastards.

"Just get me some napkins." He growled, wiping the chocolate off his eyes. I nodded, quickly running over to the nearest stand and grabbing as many as I could take.

When I turned around though, I froze mid-step. Seriously, of every single person in the world who flirts with my man, it just had to be Cinderella? How the hell was I supposed to kick her ass?

"Well, you still look really hot with an ice cream covered face, here." She giggled, handing him a satin napkin. Aaron mumbled back a thanks, using it to wipe the droplets dropping off his face.

"Babe, I got some." I turned to Cinderella. "Thanks blondie, but I can take it from here."

"Of course, every little bit helps." Her fake laugh was like a cat screeching to my ears, and I didn't even realise I was lunging at her until Aaron pulled me away.

"Calm down." He muttered into my ear, releasing my arm and snatching the napkins. I gave him an apologetic look, but he ignored me, even as I started to wipe the ice cream off his neck.

"I really am sorry." Huffing, he grabbed the napkins and chucked them in the bin. "Hey," I grabbed his wrist, tugging him towards me. His leather jacket was stained with chocolate and his skin was sticky, yet it was the frown marring his face that had me down.

"I really didn't mean it, and I know you hate Disneyland and I probably look like a child right now, dragging you here, wearing these slippers, throwing ice cream in your face...but I just wanted you to have fun."

"I have fun having sex with you." He whispered lowly, pulling me into a deserted corner of the park.

"I know that and so do I, but a relationship is more than sex or dates. I love talking to you, I mean I could literally just talk to you and never get bored but I also want to do stuff with you. New stuff, things that bring out the child in you."

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