A large huff came from James at the same time Genevieve offered him a sorry smile.

"Unlucky, Jamesie," Genevieve said sympathetically.

James was in a bit of a mood for the rest of the lesson.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

When Genevieve first entered her dormitory, she did not expect Marlene to be curled up in a ball and rocking on the floor. Lily was standing against her chest of drawers with her fingers in her mouth, biting down on her nails to the point where it hurt.

"It might just be me, but you two seem stressed out," she said jokingly.

At the sound of Gens voice, Lily's head snapped up at the same time Marlene scrambled to stand up. It was only a second later when Marlene grabbed Genevieve roughly be the shoulders and asked frantically, "What do I do?"

Genevieve peeled Marlene's hands off her. "If I knew what you was talking about then maybe I could help you," she said pointedly.

With a large sigh, Marlene walked over to her bed and flopped onto it limply. "I'm gay as fuck," Marlene shouted into the pillow.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Genevieve asked. Marlene let out an unsettling scream into her pillow, and Genevieve couldn't help but jump.

"Her parents found out through a letter and she doesn't know how they're going to react," she explained, looking over at her screaming friend sympathetically.

"Ah," Gen replied awkwardly and walked over to Marlene's bed. She never knew what to say in serious situations, let alone ones with intense emotions involved. She rested a hand on Marlene's shoulder in hopes that it would comfort her, and it seemed to because the blonde slowly turned around.

"What if they think i'm disgusting?" Marlene said lowly, her eyes staring down at her wringing fingers.

Gen frowned and laid next to Marlene, throwing a comforting arm around her shoulder. She wasn't best friends with any of the girls but she was friendly enough to do that. "Nobody could ever think that you're disgusting, Marlene. You're amazing, and you won't stop being amazing just because you're gay. You deserve the world no matter who you love. Anyone who believes different is a fool."

A moments silence went by before Marlene looked at Genevieve with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "You think so?" she asked doubtfully.

Gen tapped her nose and grinned. "I know so."

Lily watched this moment and couldn't help but not miss out on it. So what did she do? She dove straight on top of them and wriggled her way into the middle. Genevieve and Marlene groaned but soon enough they had their arms wrapped around Lily and each other.

"Isn't this comfy" Lily sighed, resting her eyes.

They stayed like that for a few moments, but Marlene was an impatient person who couldn't sit still and wriggled her way out of the embrace. They retreated doen to the common room soon after.

"Ah, there's the lovely ladies. Come sit with us," James said as he saw the three girls walk down the stairs to the common room. He was gathered around a table with Remus, Sirius and Peter next to him.

Gen was walking over with Marlene but she stopped when she realised Lily didn't move. She looked at the redhead and it was clear she was contemplating it on her face. The only problem was that James was there.

"Come on," Gen said and held out her hand. Lily's eyes darted between James and Gens hand, still thinking whether she wanted to or not. James was sat with a hopeful look on his face, practically hanging on the edge of his seat.

Gen walked over to Lily with furrowed eyebrows and a slight smile. "He's not that bad you know, he just thinks that impressing you and making himself seem self-absorbed is the best way of winning you over," she quietly told her so James wouldn't hear.

Lily looked at James as talked to Marlene and tilted her head slightly, seeming deep in thought. She snapped out of it though and shook her head no before walking out the portrait hole. Genevieve sighed but made her way over to the rest of the group anyway.

James didn't look as cheerful as he did before because the love of his life decided not to sit with them but he didn't let it get him completely down.

She took a seat next to Sirius and he whispered to her "Do you think Evans will actually come around?" He didn't want his best friend to chase after a girl who wasn't going to love him back, it would crush him.

Gen turned to him and whispered "Have you ever seen a muggle teen romance movie before?" He shook his head, wondering why she asked him something completely off topic. "Well, in nearly all of the movies, the girl hates the boy but slowly realises she's in love with him. I'm not saying Lily loves him, but she definitely doesn't hate him. Just give it sometime and let it play out by itself," she told him.

"You should show me one of those movies," he smiled. A true smile. Not a smirk like usual because he was happy with the answer he received.

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