Love Forever

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Hey guys!! I am back with the final chapter of this story. Also, I decided not to write any epilogue. So this is where the journey ends. Thank you all for being with me, and loving the story. Enjoy!!


Siya's POV:

I sat on my knees in front of Bhabhi as she sat on the couch in our private plane. Even though her hand is fine but I could see that she's wincing from time to time. It has to hurt. 

Siya: Bhabhi!! You're okay??

I asked and saw her trying to smile at me. I shook my head at her. 

Riddhima: I am fine Siya, relax!!

She said looking at me but before I could say anything I saw Vansh Bhai coming inside the plane and storming towards his room. Bhabhi stood up and was just going behind him when Aangre stood in front of her.

Aangre: Let me handle him Bhabhi, he won't listen to you right now.

Aangre said in a firm voice and she nodded sitting down on the couch again. I took a deep breath and sat on the chair in front of her as Aryan Bhai sat beside her looking totally confused. 

Aryan: Are you idiot??

He asked looking at Riddhima Bhabhi after some time and I looked at him baffled. What the hell is he even asking?? And why??

Riddhima: Aryan please!! I am not in the mood right now.

She almost snapped and I looked at Aryan Bhai amused as he just rolled his eyes. 

Aryan: No seriously!! You know how Kabir is, still you jumped in front of his gun?? What's wrong with you??

I sighed shaking my head as Aryan Bhai scolded her. He's right though. It was too stupid to jump in front of that gun. What if Vansh bhai couldn't pull her on time?? She would have been dead by now or severely injured.

Riddhima: Vansh was on gunpoint Aryan.

She said pointedly and Siya took a deep breath. I could understand her, she loves Vansh Bhai, but still, I can't forget the scare she gave me. 

Aryan: Vansh Bhai could handle him, you could not. 

Aryan Bhai said and I nodded at him in yes even though no one of them were looking at me. 

Riddhima: I did that already and I am fine Aryan.

She snapped and got up from the couch to move towards the room as we all could see that Aangre is just knocking on the door from so long and still Bhai is not opening the door. He's hurt too, after all he fought with Kabir so much.

Riddhima: Vansh!!

Bhabhi knocked on the door shouting Bhai's name but he didn't reply. Both Aryan Bhai and I reached there too and I saw Aryan Bhai glaring at Bhabhi's wound. If Aryan Bhai is being this annoyed then I can't even think how angry Vansh Bhai would be right now.

Vansh: You could have died.

We all moved back startled as we heard Vansh Bhai shouting from inside. He's really angry this time. I saw Bhabhi flinching back in shock. 

Riddhima: He was going to kill you. I just can't think of anything.

She shouted back and we all waited for Bhai to say something. It's not good for him to stay like this. His repressed anger always becomes agony for him, and I don't want this for him. 

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