Part 8

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The next morning
Same as yesterday, Court Lady Ji comes to my room in the morning & helps me get ready before we walk together to Jungkook's room.
Following Taehyung's advice, I cooperate fully & show no more sign of resistance, which seems to confound Court Lady Ji.
"Miss, forgive me for being blunt, but you're much more compliant today. Have you thought about what I said & decided to surrender?" She asks.
"I have to in order to survive, don't I?" I reply curtly.
"Indeed. Indeed.." She trails off.
We arrive at Jungkook's room & the guards open the door for us.
Jungkook is pacing in his room, already fully dressed in his royal attire.
"Your Highness." I lower my head & curtsy at him with confidence.
"What's gotten into you?" He raises his brow, bewildered by my submissive gesture.
"Isn't this how you expect me to behave?" I answer rather brusquely.
His eyes light up at once.
"Beautiful wrappings can't conceal the acrid smell of the rotten meat inside. Don't you know that, Samsoon ah?" He snickers.
Ugh, control your mouth Kim Y/n. Remember your promise to Taehyung. You have to make Jungkook believe that you've given in.
"My apologies, Your Highness. I still have a lot to learn." I try to subdue my fierce loathing towards him & bow.
"You can stop with the pretentious act. It doesn't suit you. Besides, it's more fun if you keep fighting, hoping that there's a way out of this arrangement." He closes the distance in between us & pinches my chin.
His intense gaze unnerves me, but I will myself to look right back at his dark orbs, like the rest of my life is depended on this moment. The atmosphere becomes so tense as none of us intend to back down.
"Ugh, this is ridiculous." In the end, he's the one who looks away first.
I cheer inwardly, celebrating the small victory.
"What are we doing today, if I may ask, Your Highness?" I ask nonchalantly, as if we hadn't just had a stare-down.
"I have to go to the library to read some documents." He replies sulkily.
"Library? Do you have books there?" I ask rather too enthusiastically.
"No, we keep our horses there. Duhh, are you dumb? Don't you understand the definition of library?" He scowls.
A cutting retort is ready to leave the tip of my tongue, but I grit my teeth to stop it.
Jungkook, you obnoxious brat. One day, I'll pay you back for all the insults you throw at me.
"Forgive me for being presumptuous, Your Highness. But I truly love reading & writing, so I would be extremely grateful if you allow me to come with you."
"You can read & write? What a surprise!" He gasps sarcastically.
"So may I come with you?" I choose to ignore his mockery.
"Suit yourself." He rolls his eyes & storms out of the room.
Suck it up, Y/n ah. You have to win this game.
I huff to calm myself down & follow him quietly from behind.

The library is in the other wing of the palace.
It's quite a distance away & I'm getting exhausted because the gown I'm wearing is ridiculously heavy.
"Are you going to faint again?" Jungkook asks out of nowhere.
"N-No. I'm fine."
"Good. If you pass out, I won't carry you again. You're as heavy as a cow."
Ugh, can he stop with his insults for once? Wait, what does he mean by 'carry me again'?
"Your Highness, were you the one who carried me back to my room yesterday?"
"W-What? Of course not! Why would I do that? The guards heaved you back to your room, not me." He exclaims. His eyes look like they're about to pop out of the sockets.
"Really? Are you sure?" I squint my eyes in doubt.
"Are you doubting my words? You can get-"
"Executed for that. Yeah yeah, I know. You'll execute everyone who pisses you off. Is that why this palace is so quiet?" I mindlessly reply.
"What did you say?" He halts his steps & glares at me.
Oh shit. Ya Kim Y/n, I told you to control your mouth!
"Nothing. Haha. Ah, is that the library?" Trying to divert his attention, I point at a pair of huge double doors a few meters ahead of us & stride ahead of him.
I push the heavy door & it swings open smoothly, revealing one of the most marvelous sight I've ever laid eyes upon.
"Wow, this is incredible!" My jaw drops.

"Wow, this is incredible!" My jaw drops

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