Part 1

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They all knew the story of Cindy Swanson and Kiss Lake. She was 13 when she drowned. It was the end of August and her last night at Camp Kissinger.

A boy had taken her out on the lake. The stars filled the sky. The full moon blanketed the campground in deep blues and purples. The calm water sloshing against the rowboat was the only sound for miles.

The campers would sneak out at night when the counselors were asleep. They'd take a boat to the middle of the lake and make out under the stars. Cindy had never kissed a boy before, and she didn't know if she wanted to kiss this one. He was kind of nice, but nothing special.

She sat in the back and watched him secure the oars. Her butt was damp from the splintering seat, and the mosquitos were biting her legs. Their knees touched as he shuffled nervously. She knew what was coming next.

Without saying a word, the boy went in for the kiss. Cindy's instincts kicked in, and she pushed him away.

"What are you doing?" the boy cried out.

"I don't know." Cindy looked down at her feet. "I just don't feel like kissing."

The boy threw his hands up. "Don't feel like kissing? We're on Kiss Lake... in the middle of the night. What did you think we were going to do?"

Cindy felt like a fool. "I don't know. I just want to go back."

"It's no big deal. It's not like you haven't kissed a boy before, right?"

No response.

The boy chuckled. "Really? You've never kissed a boy?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Well, I'll teach you."

"I don't need you to teach me. I just want to go back."

"Just pucker your lips up like this." The boy ignored Cindy's request, stuck his lips out and tried to kiss her again.

Cindy struggled to push him away, but he kept coming toward her. She leaned back. He leaned forward. She kept bending backward until she was hanging over the edge of the boat.

All of a sudden, Cindy lost her balance and flipped over into the water. The boy stood up, waiting for Cindy to appear. A few seconds went by, and Cindy popped up a few feet away. She gasped for air and went back under.

"Swim back, Cindy," the boy ordered.

She shot up again, flailing her arms. "I... Can't..." Cindy sucked up water as she bobbed up and down. "Swim."

"Of course, you can swim. I'm not jumping in to save you after you rejected me." The boy laughed while Cindy sunk under the water again. "I only jump in for girls who kiss me."

Then, the circles of water where Cindy went under disappeared, and the lake was calm once more.


No answer.

"This isn't funny. I'm sorry I tried to kiss you." The boy's hands began to shake. His heart pounded. "Cindy! Where are you!"

The boy dove in to save her, but it was too late by then. 

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