“Me?” Joochan tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

“You were amazing,” Jaehyun widened his smile. “You remained true to your values, admitting what is right. Because of you, I realised that you were the only string the suspect does not own. The call operator team. Well, maybe not yet.”

Joochan looked down, unable to comprehend everything that was said by Jaehyun. Joochan could be too naïve to think that corruption never existed, especially not in his Call Operator team. If Jaehyun was right, that the evidence on Ko Dongcheol was a setup and the recording was edited just to hide the real suspect, Joochan would start to look at the police agency with a different pair of lenses.

He probably found it hard to trust anyone.

“You will help us capture him.”

Joochan widened his eyes, while his heart was doing somersaults. 

“I can’t do that,” Joochan admitted painfully. “I am demoted and transferred to another station after this case. There is nothing I can help you.”

Jaehyun chuckled. “Aigoo, you ran out of confidence fast. Well, you are only interesting until now.”

Joochan remained silent, not feeling intimidated at all. In matter of fact, he was dumbfounded again by the young prosecutor.

“Corporal Hong, are you going to be like this during your entire police career?”

Irritated, Joochan chided. “I warn you to stop mocking me. Whatever it is, I am still an officer. Please have some respect.”

“Then make do of something.”

Joochan creased his forehead as Jaehyun stood up from the edge of the table and pocketed his hands in his pants.

“Tell me!” Joochan suddenly blurted as Jaehyun turned away from him. “What... What can I possibly do?”

Jaehyun looked over his shoulder and connected his gaze with Joochan. He eventually moved in a way that he was facing Joochan sideways.

“You said you could hear clickety sounds in the recording, right?” Jaehyun raised a brow at him. “I listened it for about ten times and heard nothing of that sort. Like everyone else, I didn’t hear the suspect voice too.”

Joochan abruptly stood on his feet. “I was telling the truth!”

“So you can hear things that we can’t hear.”

“Eh?” Joochan became flustered.

Jaehyun smiled. “The suspect could have whispered words to her before finishing her off. His voice was so soft that even the phone speaker could not pick up but you, as the one who was on the other side of the call, heard it.”

“What are you trying to say?” Joochan faced him seriously.

Jaehyun smiled and carried the files with him. “I’m sure you find out a way to use that talent of yours. Now we come to the end of our investigation. See you when I see you.”

Jaehyun bowed in respect before making to the door and closing it behind him. Joochan stood speechless, having Jaehyun’s words play in his ears.

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