-Chapter 19-

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at your dads house: you knock on the door as carl is going around the corner, your dad answers and then says "so you've finally come to your sense to get together with Jackson" and you replied with "actually I'm here to confront you, I've had panic attacks, carl and Ian who are more like family than you ever will be are worried. may I please come in." he kind of just looked at you in shock on how mature you've become and then said "ya, ya come in" as you went to sit on the couch you said "wait can I go grab some of my things from my room that I forgot when i was movie out" and he said "ya of course". as you got to you room you noticed all your stuff was still in the same place you had left it just there was basket ball and baseball poster all over the walls, then someone came out of your bathroom. it was Jackson, he had a towel around his waist and his hair was wet. he had been staying in your room then you said "ill just be grabbing some things then going" as you started grabbing some jewelry, picture and other little things that carl has gotten that were very important to you Jackson grabbed your upper arm and said "well you didn't just come here to get these did you said " as you pulled your arm away you said "well I was also here to talk to my father and your not my father so I shall go now" in a very poetic way. you walked back down the stairs and sat on the couch, you said to your father "so were the one who sent that bewitched boy to my school to sexually harass me and give me panic attacks because if you fess up I will not call the police but I will file a restraining order and I will get Fiona to fight for custody of me because I will not live in a home with someone who does that and if you do not fess up I will call the police file a restraining order and get Fiona to file for custody of me because again I will not live in this house with a liar and abuser and a pedophile" he said "yes I did but its only because...JACKSON NOW" Jackson ran down the stairs in his boxers grabbing you. you yelled "CARL NOW" as carl busted threw the door and punched your dad then Jackson in the face as you ran out the house. Ian was outside smoking seeing you and carl running at full speed yelling "RUNNNN". as you and carl ran full speed into the house Ian shut the door behind you grabbing the bat then running back out the door.... the end!

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