-Chapter 13-

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Fast forward a year: you turned 17. You had a huge party and you and Carl might have done some stuff! The next morning you and Carl were cuddling in bed and having a good conversation until someone walked into your and Carl's room. "BONNIE" Carl's said with a shocked look on his face, Bonnie walked over and kissed Carl on the lips even know you were right there in a lace bra and odiously in a relationship with Carl. Carl pushed Bonnie away and said "WHAT THE HELL BONNIE, YOU LEAVE FOR 5 YEARS AND THEN RANDOMLY COME BACK AND KISS ME! THATS MY GIRLFRIEND I LOVE HER AND YOU NEED TO FUCKING LEAVE.". You've never seen Carl like this, you and Bonnie were both in shock. Bonnie walked over to Carl as Carl was now sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands, Bonnie lifted his face up and said "hey baby, it's ok. We can go and be together like what we planned when we were younger", Carl stood up and yelled "NO, WE WILL NEVER BE TOGETHER AND IM IN LOVE WITH Y/N AND I ALWAYS FUCKING WILL BE CAN YOU NOT SEE HER SHES RIGHT FUCKIN IN FRONT OF YOU. YOUR A BITCH AND I HATE YOU. GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! get out (Carl starts to cry). You got up and hugged carl, and he barred his head into you chest "shhh shh, it's alright" you said in a calm whispering voice. Carl replied with "no it's not, it never will be" still sobbing into your chest! Bonnie slowly walked out of the room with single tears running down her cheeks. Ian and Fiona walked into the room seeing that you and Carl were now on the floor, Carl's head still buried in you chest lying on you legs sobbing. Fiona said what happened and you said "some girl named Bonnie walked in and kissed Carl, Carl yelled a lot and and he is crying. Fiona what's going on". Fiona said "Bonnie and Carl dated for a couple of days, they robbed places and stuff like that, her family lived in a van and might still and she left about a week after they meet. She's been gone since". You now just realized why he was so mad and sad. You kissed the top of his head and then tried to get him to stand, you ended you getting him to stand and he lied down in his bed. you lied there next to him as he had his head on your stomach as tears where still running down his cheeks. Fiona left the room Ian still being there, you ask Ian if he could bring you two popsicles and he said sure. He brought you a strawberry and a cherry, you knew strawberry was Carl favourite so you took the rapper off of it and said "Carl baby, can you sit up and eat this. It will help with sore throat after all that yelling" he did and started to eat it. You were really surprised with how Carl was acting because he's usually the really tough on in the relationship, but with Bonnie being added to the equation I was melted down time. You ate your popsicles and Carl finished his. you got up and went to lips room, you grabbed a cigarette from the pockets of his jeans and lit it. You walked back into Carl's room smoking it, Carl said "i disentangle know you smoked".  "well I guess you know now" you said with a smirk on you face. Carl stood up and walked over to you not crying anymore. He told you to pull out your phone and put on your favourite song, so you put on teenagers by my chemical romance. He turned to volume up all the way and asked you to dance. You and Carl slow danced to teenagers by my chemical romance, like how iconic!

I don't usually put any pictures or songs in, but I did this time around so you knew why I said it was iconic that you and Carl danced to teenagers by my chemical romance!

When I meet Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now